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为了方便各位同学们为接下来的期末考试做好准备,威廉希尔app 为大家准备了一篇五年级期中英语试卷,希望大家认真练习,相信一定会帮到大家的!

Ⅰ. .补充下列单词,并在括号内写出中文意思。(20分)

( ) 1 .bec se A.ou B. an C. au D. ea

( ) 2.dr k A.ou B.in C. an D. ea

( ) 3 .t red A.o B. a C. u D.i

( ) 4 pl t A.oo B. an C. au D. ea

( ) 5.M ch A.ar B. an C. au D. ea

( ) 6 .Ja ary A.ou B. an C.nu D. un

( ) 7 .M th A.ou B.on C. au D. ea

( ) 8 .ar nd A.ou B. an C. au D. ea

( ) 9 .v ll ge A.e,i B. a,a C.i,a D. e,a

( ) 10 .sec d A.on B. an C. ou D. ear


1.sad(反义词) 2.hot(反义词)

3.happy(副词) 4.come(现在分词)

5.swim(现在分词) 6.doesn’t(完全形式)

7.tooth(复数) 8.they(宾格)

9.can not(缩写) 10.make(现在分词)

Ⅲ. 选出不同类的一项。10%

( )1.A.happy B.angry C.feel D.tired

( )2. A.season B.autumn C.spring D.winter

( ) A.April B.May C.summer D.August

( )4. A.cool B.warm C.snow D.hot

( )5. A.ninth B.fifth C.twelfth D.eleven


1.儿童节 2.妇女节

3新年 4.圣诞节

5.放风筝 6. plant trees

7. September 8. year after year

9. potato 10. tomato


( )1.A:How are you now?

A. feel. B.fine. C. feeling.

( )2.It’s again.

A. raining B.rain C.snow

( )3. Is your favorite season?

A.How many B.Which C.What

( )4. Oh, it’s snowing. Let’s go out .

A. play B. playing C.to play

( )5. How many are there in a year? 。

A. seasons B. season C. month

( )6. There are four in a year.

A. seasons B. season C. month

( )7.The trees are homes birds and some wild animals。

A. to B.with C.for D.on

( )8.A: Do you live in a city? B: .

A. No,I do B.Yes,I do. C.yes, l don’t

( )9. I live in a village the city.

A. go to B.get to C. far from

( )10. Our village is small, very beautiful..

A. and B. but C.too


1.How many seasons are there in a year? Fly a kite

2.Is your village big? No. I don’t.

3.What do you do in spring? I’m from Gansu.

4.Where are you from ? No,it’s small.

5 .Do you live in a city? Four.


1. They live in Beijing.(变否定句)


2. The children play computer games.变一般疑问句


3. The boy listens to music. 变一般疑问句


4. Where do you live?(根据实际情况回答)


5. Are you helpful at home?否定回答



Jack studies at No •2 Primay School.He lives with his grandparents in a small village . He is a good student . He always goes to school on time and takes notes carefully in class. So everyone likes him . His favourite food is chocolate . But his grandma doesn ' t let him eat too much chocolate . She says it ' s bad for his health . Jack also likes to eat fruits , such as cherries , grapes and dates . On Sundays , Jack often goes bike riding or skating with his friends . And sometimes he also plays computer games .

( ) 1 . Jack is a pupil .

( ) 2 . Jack is a naughty boy at school .

( ) 3 . Jack likes to eat chocolate .

( ) 4 . Jack doesn , t like to eat fruits .

( ) 5 . Jack often goes bike riding on Sundays .







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