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聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供的五年级英语期中试卷


1. summer June ( ) 2. which why ( )

3. season please ( ) 4. October old ( )

5. Sunday play ( ) 6. foot food ( )



( ) 1. A season B spring C autumn

( ) 2. A Monday B May C Sunday

( ) 3. A why B when C because

( ) 4. A young B kind C read

( ) 5. A sing B play C dinner

( ) 6. A breakfast B dinner C salad

( ) 7. A often B after C sometimes

( ) 8. A village B river C lake

( ) 9. A food B fresh C healthy

( )10. A tea B milk C thirsty

( )11. A sweet B delicious C shy


( ) 1. I often do my homework ____ 7:00 in the evening.

A in B on C at

( ) 2. _____ season do you like best ?

A What B Which C When

( ) 3. _______ is the ninth month of a year .

A September B August C October

( ) 4. ______ do you like summer? Because I can swim .

A Which B How C Why

( ) 5. Is your birthday in June? ___________

A Yes,it is . B Yes,it does . C No,it is .

( ) 6. When _____ your birthday?

A are B is C does

( ) 7. My birthday is _____ May.

A at B in C on

( ) 8. ________ is Children’s Day?

A When B What C Which

( ) 9. I like winter _________ I can make a snowman .

A and B because C why

( ) 10. I usually go ______ with my mother .

A shop B shoping C shopping

( ) 11. I can play with snow in _________ .

A spring B summer C winter

( ) 12. We _____ a new library.

A are B have C do

( ) 13. What do you have _____ lunch today?

A at B of C for

( ) 14. Autumn is _______ favourite season .

A me B my C I

( ) 15. I __________ at six o’clock every day.

A get B get to C get up


( ) 1. Which season do you like best ? A At 9:30.

( ) 2. Who has a birthday in June ? B I often go shopping

( ) 3. Do you like spring ? C I like autumn best .

( ) 4. When do you go to bed ? D Yes, I do.

( ) 5. What do you do on the weekend? E Mike .


1. your when is birthday (?)


2. you spring like do best why (?)


3. I some books read Saturdays on often (.)


4. like season which you do best (?)


5. fish for let’s some lunch have (.)



1. What do you do on the weekend ?


2. Because I like summer vacation !


3. I often go on a picrie with my family.


4. Autumn is my favourite season .


5. When do you finish class in the morning ?





Hello,I’m Mr Black . I’m an actor(演员). I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. Then I go to work . I go home at 8:00 in the morning. I eat breakfast at 8:20. Then I go to bed . I often get up at 12:00 at noon . I eat lunch at 12:30. I play sports at about 3:00 in the afternoon . I watch TV and read books at 6:00. This is my day. It’s busy. But I like my day.

( ) 1. I get up at 8:00 in the morning .

( ) 2. I eat breakfast at 8:20 in the morning .

( ) 3. I have luch at 12:30 noon .

( ) 4. I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening .

( ) 5. I don’t like my day.



Hello, I’m Susan. Look, this is my family photo. This is my mother. She is a teacher. Her birthday is in March. She likes going shopping. Her favourite season is winter. My father is a doctor. He likes winter best. His birthday is in September. He often climb mountains with his friends on weekends.Haha, this is me. I like summer best because I can eat ice-cream very much , and I can wear pretty skirts in summer.

( ) 1. How many people are there in Susan’s family?

A. Four B. Three C. Five

( ) 2. Mother is a _________.

A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse

( ) 3. When is father’s birthday?

A. In September. B. In April . C. In March.

( ) 4. Why does Susan like summer?

A. Because she likes ice-cream. B. Because she can wear pretty skirts .

C. A and B.

( )5.Which season does Susan’s father like best?

A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为各位同学们整理的五年级英语期中试卷,希望对大家有所帮助,同时也祝大家考试顺利!






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