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一、 听句子,选出所听到的内容,把序号填入括号内。10’

( ) 1.A. Sunday B. Science C. Saturday

( ) 2.A. many B. any C. man

( ) 3.A. hobby B. shopping C. happy

( ) 4.A. beautiful B. beautifully C. carefully

( ) 5.A. surf B. surfs C. surfing

( ) 6.A. classroom B. classmate C. classmates

( ) 7.A. foot B. food C. feet

( ) 8.A. class B. classes C. classroom

( ) 9.A. a model car B. model cars C. a cap

( ) 10.A. he’s B. his C. he is

二、听问句,选答句。 5’

( )1. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I do.

( )2. A. He lives in Su Zhou. B. She lives in Nanjing. C. Beijing.

( )3. A. I like dancing. B. Yes, I like dancing. C. No, I like dancing.

( )4. A. Sorry, you’re wrong. B. Yes, you’re right. C. Sorry, wrong number.

( )5. A. He plays football. B. He’s playing football. C. She plays football.

三、 根据听到的对话和问题,选择合适的答案。5’

( )1. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. No, she can’t.

( )2. A. Collecting stamps. B. Taking photos. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

( )3. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. No, he don’t.

( )4. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

( )5. A. Maths. B. English. C. Maths and English.


A: Hello,_______ I _______ to Yang Ling?

B: Yes, this is Yang Ling __________.

A: _______ _______ you absent today?

B: I’m _____.

A: I’m sorry to hear that. Are you ________ _____ medicine?

B: Yes, a ________.

A: Please have a good rest. I hope you ______ better soon.



( )1. A. love B. home C. some

( )2. A. still B. with C. high

( )3. A. second B. help C. because

( )4. A. music B. study C. jump

( )5. A. with B. thirsty C. three


A. 翻译词组。(15’)

1. 在周三 ________ ________ 2. write carefully________________

3. 放学后 ________ ________ 4. cook nice food_______________

5. 集邮 ________ ________ 6. have the same hobby ______________

7. 浏览因特网______ the _________ 8. an interesting stamp______________

9. 跳得高 _______ ________ 10. stay in bed __________________

B. 用括号内单词的适当形式填空。(5’)

1. Look, They _ (have) an English class.

2. What ______ Miss Li usually ______ (do)? She usually ________ (watch) TV in the evening.

3. Mr Green likes _______ (take) photos.

4. Helen can _______ (play) the piano.

5. Look! Jim is sitting . (quiet)

6. What Mike ___ (do) ? He is ____ (write) an e-mail.


( ) 1. The boy draws ______.

A. careful B. carefully C. be careful

( ) 2. He showing his pictures ______ his friends.

A. to B. for C. of

( ) 3. Many students in our class like ______ very much.

A. take photos B. taking a photo C. taking photos

( ) 4. What _____ Nancy’s classmates usually ____ at the weekend?

A. does; do B. do; do C. do; does

( ) 5. My friend Zhang Ling ______ Maths and Science.

A. like B. don’t like C. likes

( ) 6. ______ don’t you play football with your classmates?

A. What B. Why C. Where

( ) 7. We do not go to school ___ Saturday ___ Sunday.

A. on, and B. on , to C. from , to

( ) 8. It is _ Friday morning. I have four lessons ______the afternoon.

A. on, in B. /, in C. /, on

( ) 9. I think these __________ stamps are beautiful.

A. ship B. ships C. the ship

( ) 10. My hobby is _______ basketball.

A. play B. plays C. playing

( ) 11. Nancy is ___________a letter ___________her friend.

A. writing; to B. writing; for C. write; to

( )12. We have nine _____this term.

A. subjects B. lessons C. classes

( )13. I have four lessons ___Tuesday morning and three lessons ___the afternoon.

A. on; in B. in; in C. on; on

( ) 14. He usually ________ to school by bike.

A. go B. going C. goes

( ) 15. It’s four fifteen. Classes ______ over.

A. am B. is C. are

四、在Ⅱ栏中找出与Ⅰ栏句子相对应的答语 5分


( )1.What shape is the sun? A. Sunday.

( )2.What lessons do you have in the morning? B. We have three.

( )3.How many lessons do you have in the morning? C. It’s a circle.

( )4.How do you feel now? D. We have Art, PE and English.

( )5.What day is the first day of a week? E. I feel hot.

五、根据上下文情境完成对话,每空写一个单词 5分

A: What are you doing?

B: I’m writing an to my friend..

A: he study English?

B: Yes, and he can speak English .

A: You like jumping. And you jump high . Does he have the hobby?

B: No, but he runs .

六、根据中文提示完成句子,每空写一个单词 5分

1、-- 你怎么了? -- 我重感冒了。

-- What’s with you? -- I’ve got a cold .

2、-- 你有兴趣爱好吗? --- 是的,我喜欢画画。

-- Do you have any ?

-- Yes, I like .

3、-- 你叔叔在哪里? -- 他在书房里做模型飞机。

-- Where’s your ?

-- He’s a model in the study.


Mike usually watches TV his family Sunday evening.

七、根据实际情况回答 5分

1. What subject do you like? .

2. What’s your mother’s hobby? .

3. Do you write carefully? .

4. What does your father usually do in the evening? .

5. Where do you live? .

八、阅读理解 10 分


A train stops at a station. A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy, “Can you go and get us two hamburgers, one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars.”“Great!” says the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers.

After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. “Where is my hamburger?” asks the young man. “Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So I’m eating mine. Here is your dollar. ”

( )1.Where is the young man ?

A. At a station. B. Under a big umbrella. C. On the train.

( )2. What does the young man want to buy ?

A. Umbrella. B. Hamburgers. C. Dollars.

( )3. Who helps the young man ?

A .A boy. B. A man. C. Nobody.

( )4. Does the young man get a hamburger ?

A. No, he doesn’t . B. Yes, he does. C. No, he does.

( )5. Is the boy clever(聪明的)?

A. Yes, he isn’t. B. Yes, he is. C. No, I’m not.


An old farmer has an old horse. He wants to sell the horse before it dies. In the morning, the farmer and his little son walk to the market behind the horse. On the way, they meet an old man. The old man says to the farmer, “ Why don’t you ride on the horse? It’s a long way to the market.” So the old father gets on the horse. His son walks behind. After some time, they see an old woman. The woman says to the farmer, “Why don’t you let your son ride on the horse? He’s very tired now.” Of course, the old farmer gets down. And lets his son ride the horse. When they are near to the market, a young man sees them and says to the boy, “ Why don’t you walk by yourself? Let the horse have a rest?” Now the farmer really doesn’t know what to do.

阅读下列句子,判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示

( ) 1. The farmer’s son wants to sell the horse.

( ) 2. The farmer and his son first meet an old woman on the way to the market.

( ) 3. A young man is angry with the boy because he doesn’t let his father ride the horse.

( ) 4. The old farmer has no idea of his own(自己的).

( ) 5. The farmer wants to sell the horse because he doesn’t like the horse.



1.My Science teacher is Miss Liu.

2.The man with big eyes is my uncle.

3.I’m very happy today.

4. What a beautiful stamp it is.!

5. My father surfs the Internet every day.

6. Su Hai and Su Yang are my classmates.

7. Shall we go to the theatre on foot?

8. Class is over.

9. I want to make a model car for my cousin.

10. His name is Jerry.

二、听问句,选答句。 5%

1. Are you ill?

2. Where does Mrs Li live in?

3. Do you like dancing?

4. Hello! Is that Yang Ling?

5. What’s your brother doing?


1.A:Do you like cooking, Yang Ling?

B: No, I don’t. I like making clothes.

Q: Does Yang Ling like making clothes?

2.A:Do you have any hobbies, Mike?

B: Yes, I do. I like taking photos. How about you, Jim?

A: I don’t like taking photos. I like collecting stamps.

Q: What’s Jim’s hobby?

3.A:What does Liu Tao usually do on Sundays?

B: He usually does his homework and makes model planes.

Q: Does Liu Tao do his homework on Sundays?

4.A:What lessons do you have in the morning?

B: We have English. Chinese, Science and PE.

Q: How many lessons do they have in the morning?

5.A:What subject do you like, Su Hai?

B:I like Maths . How about you ,Su Yang?

A:I like English.

Q: What subject does Su Hai like?


A: Hello, may I speak to Yang Ling?

B: Yes, this is Yang Ling speaking.

A: Why are you absent today?

B: I’m ill.

A: I’m sorry to hear that. Are you taking any medicine?

B: Yes, a lot.

A: Please have a good rest. I hope you get better soon.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为各位同学们整理的五年级英语下册期中复习试题,希望对大家有所帮助,同时也祝大家考试顺利!






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