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3. Where are my socks? I can’t find _______(they).

4. I have some nice _______ (dress).

5. Mary _______(try) on her new skirt.

6. I want ______(show) you my new kite.

7. Miss Li _________(not work) on Saturdays.

C. 选择合适的词或短语,填在横线上。(只填序号)

1. get off 2. go to the party 3. get there 4. before supper 5. have a good time 6. come back 7. have to 8. it’s time to

1.---Do you do your homework___________?

--- No, I do it after supper.

2. We all ___________ at Ben’s birthday party.

3. The old man can’t find the park. He asks the policeman how to ___________.

4. _________ get up, Linda.

5. Who can’t _________? Why?

6. I ___________ go now.

7. You can take Bus No. 114 and _________in front of Xinhua Bookshop.

8. When does she________? She comes back at five o’clock.


1.脱下他的外套___________________ 2.come back before Sunday___________

3. 一位公交车司机________________ 4. get there by metro_________________

5. 向我们展示他的新自行车_________________6. live on Moon Street_____________

7. 问路______________ 8. eat chicken for his lunch________________

9. 刷牙________________ 10. leave her shoe behind_________________


( )1.---Whose jeans are these?---________

A. They’re Linda’s B. It’s Linda’s C. They are Linda.

( )2. That girl_______ so dad. Her hand_______.

A. look, hurt B. looks, hurts C. looks, hurt

( )3. Do you have______ drinks? I’m very _______

A. any, thirsty B. some, hungry C. any, hungry

( )4. Mike shouldn’t eat ________ cola, it’s bad for_______.

A. too many, he B. too much, him C. much too, him

( )5. My father goes to work_____7:00 ______every morning.

A. in, in B. in, / C. at, /

( )6. My parents and I live in the different_______

A. city B. country C. cities

( )7. ---______ you taking _______medicine? ---Yes, I am.

A. Do, take B. Are, take C. Are, taking


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