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( ) 7. A. OK. Here you are. B. Yes, there is. C. No, thanks.

( ) 8. A. Goodbye! B. No, thanks. C. All right.

( ) 9. A. It looks nice. B. I want a comb. C. I’ll take it.

( ) 10. A. It’s too big. B. Here they are. C. The one over there.

( ) 11. A. Certainly. B. Thank you. C. That’s OK.

( ) 12. A. Yes, I want a radio. B. I want a lamp. C. I like it very much.

C. 听短文,判断下列句子的正误。(用T或F表示)

( ) 13. David is going on a field trip next month.

( ) 14. David goes to a sports shop for swimming trunks.

( ) 15. David wants a pair of sandals.

( ) 16. The sports shoes are 65 yuan.

( ) 17. There are some T-shirts, sports shoes and swimming trunks in the shop.

( ) 18. David likes the colour of the sandals.


A. 看图,圈出正确的单词或短语。

1. toothpaste 2. a pair of sandals 3. twenty-five

toothbrush a pair of sports shoes thirty-five

4. a hundred yuan 5. recorder 6. cake shop

one yuan walkman clothes shop

B. 根据提示填空。

7. I want a bar of ___________. (肥皂)

8. There are ___________ students in our school. (八十)

9. Do you want ___________ a new T-shirt? (买)

10. Can you pass me the blue one, ___________? (请)

11. They are going on a field trip next ___________. (星期)

C. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

12. Mum, look at the ___________. They are so nice. (lamp)

13. I like this dress. I’ll take ___________. (them)

14. Here ___________ the money. (be)

15. Can you show me ___________ trousers? (that)

16. Mary ___________ to a sports shop. (go)


( ) 1. I want some _______ .

A. toothpaste B. toothpastes C. teethpaste

( ) 2. Please show _______ that pair.

A. I B. me C. my

( ) 3. Can I have a look _______ this blue one?

A. to B. for C. at

( ) 4. The lamps are _______ nice.

A. to B. so C. too

( ) 5. --- _______ are the lamps? --- They’re one hundred yuan.

A. How much B. How about C. How many

( ) 6. This coat is very beautiful. Can I ________ ?

A. try it on B. try on it C. try them on

( ) 7. That red bag ________ very beautiful.

A. look B. looks C. looks like

( ) 8. We can buy a ________ from a ________ shop.

A. football, shoe B. VCD, cake C. dress, clothes

( ) 9. These peaches are small. Please show me the big ________.

A. some B. ones C. one

( ) 10. Let’s ________ a shopping list.

A. do B. make C. doing

四、按要求写句子 (每空一词)

1. Can I help you ? (同义句)

_________ _________ I _________ _________ you?

2. Can I help you ? (回答问题)

_________, I _________ a mirror.

3. It’s eighty—five yuan. (就划线部分提问)

_________ _________ is it ?

4. Can you show him a tape? (回答问题)

_________, _________ _________ _________.

5. How much are the shoes? (回答问题)

_________ _________ ninety yuan.


( ) 1. --- Welcome to our shop. What can I do for you?

--- I want some plates and cups.

( ) 2. Yang Ming and his father are in a shop. They want to buy a recorder.

( ) 3. I have some CDs and VCDs. I like collecting(收集)them very much.

( ) 4. --- How much are the raincoats?

--- Let me see. Oh, they’re seventy yuan.

( ) 5. --- Lisa, what to buy from this shop?

--- Some cakes. I like them best.

六、补全短文 (选词并将单词填写到横线上)

Bob and his father are going . They want to a Mp5 player. Bob wants to English with it. Mp5 player is very , he can put it in his pocket and it anywhere. He can also ________ to music when he is roller-skating. Bob asks the salesman to ___ him a blue Mp5 player, he likes the . But it’s too big. Then the salesman shows them another . It’s 1238 yuan. Bob and his father both like it, so they take it and for it. This Mp5 player is his favorite and he is very happy.


London is a very big city. There are three big parks in London. They are Hyde Park, St. James’s Park and Regent’s Park.

London’s famous zoo is in Regent’s Park. In the zoo there are many animals from Africa, Asia, America and Europe. There are big birds and long snakes in cages. There are monkeys and elephants and you can give bananas to them.

In the parks you can play football, watch the ducks, read your books or walk.

Africa非洲 Asia亚洲 Europe欧洲 snake蛇 cage 笼子

A. 阅读短文并填空:

1. Are there three famous zoos in London?

__________, __________ __________.

2. You can give bananas to __________ and __________.

3. Can people play football in the parks in London?

__________, __________ __________.

4. If(如果) you want to see the animals in London,

you must go to __________ Park.

5. The __________ parks in London are Hyde Park,

St. James’s Park and Regent’s Park

B. 阅读并按首字母填空:

London is a very big c_________. There are three big p_________ in

London. London’s f_________ zoo is in Regent’s Park. In the zoo there are

many a_________ from Africa, Asia, America and Europe. In the parks you

can play football, w_________ the ducks, read your books or walk.



1. soap, toothbrush, towel 2. radio, clock, recorder

3. shorts, trousers, swimming trunks 4. sports shoes, T-shirts, sandals

5. toothpaste, mirror, comb 6. walkman, lamp, tape


7. Can I have a look at this book?

8. Do you want anything else?

9. How about this one?

10. Which one do you like?

11. Can I try them on?

12. What can I do for you?


David is going on a field trip next week. He wants to buy something for the trip. He goes to a sports shop for swimming trunks and he wants a pair of sandals. There are some T-shirts, shorts, sandals, sports shoes and swimming trunks in the shop. The sports shoes are 85 yuan. But the sports shoes are too big for him. He likes the colour of swimming trunks.



A. 1. BCA 2. CBA 3. ACB 4. CAB 5. ABC 6. CAB

B. 7-12: ABACAB

C. 13-18: FTTFTF


A. 1. toothpaste 2. a pair of sandals 3. twenty-five

4. a hundred yuan 5. walkman 6. clothes shop

B. 7. soap 8. eighty 9. to buy 10. please 11. week

C. 12. lamps 13. it 14. is 15. those 16.goes to


1-5 ABCBA 6.-10 ABCBB

四、 1. What can do for 2. Yes want 3. How much

4. Yes, here you are 5. They are

五、 B E A D C

六、 shopping buy learn small take pass colour one pay

七、A. 1. No, there aren’t. 2. monkeys elephants 3. Yes, they can.

4. Regent’s 5. three(big, three big)

B. city parks famous animals watch






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