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A B C ____________

( )4、Winter is from December to January.

A B C _________

( )5、April is the forth month in a year.

A B C _________


( )1、Which is your favorite season? A、I am feeling tired now.

( )2、When is your birthday? B、Four

( )3、Is your village big? C、I often fly kites with my friends .

( )4、What do you often do in spring?. D、Yes, it is

( )5、How many seasons are there in a year?E、Autumn.


1、do look you why sad(?)_________________________

2、it because is snowing again. ______________________

3、a year are there four in season, ________________________

4、like to go play we go out to_______________________

5、have we many in fruits season this _____________________


1.放学了,该回家了,你会对你的同学说: ( )

A.School is over. B.Let’s go home. C.Look out of the window! 2. 当你需要某件东西,却发现自己没带,你如何说: ( )

A.Don’t worry. B.I’m sorry.C.Oh, too bad! I haven’t got …

3.别人给你提供帮助后,你会如何说: ( )

A.Thanks a lot. B.Don’t worry. C.You’re welcome. 4. 当你看到下雨而没带雨具时,你会说: ( )

A.I’m sorry. B.Wonderful! C.Oh, too bad!

5. 当别人给你一个很好的建议时,你会说: ( )

A.Thank you. B.Good idea! C. How are you? 6. 当你想知道好朋友的生日时,你该如何说: ( )

A.What’ your name? B. When is your birthday?C. Happy birthday! 7. 当你想给别人一个好的建议时,你该说: ( )

A.May I help you? B. You should …C. What are you doing?

8. 当你想约好朋友一起出去玩时,你该说: ( )

A.I want to go out to play.B.Shall we go out to play?C. Thanks a lot.


Hello! I’m Liu Ying. I am going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning,I am going to the Renmin Park with my sister Liu Hong by bike. In the afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents.In the evening,I’m going to visit my aunt with my mother.On Sunday morning,I’m going to the bookstore with my good friend Tom. And I’m going to buy some storybooks. After lunch,I’m going to play sports with Amy. In the evening,I’m going to watch TV and clean my room.How happy I am!

( )1.Liu Ying is going to the Renmin Park by bus.

( )2.Liu Ying is going to visit her aunt with her sister.

( )3.Liu Ying is going to the bookstore with Tom.

( )4.Amy is going to play sports with Liu Hong.

( )5.Liu Ying is going to clean her room in the evening. 






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