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威廉希尔app 为大家带来了五年级英语上学期期末模拟,希望能够帮助大家很好的掌握本文中所提到的知识点,帮助大家学习。


( ) 1. flower yellow( ) 2. sheep beef( ) 3. book food( ) 4. rainbow play( ) 5. sorry shy


( ) 1. sport A. play the pipaB. draw cartoons C. play ping-pong( ) 2. healthy A. vegetableB. French fries C. hot dog( ) 3. sing A. Chinese classB. math class C. music class( ) 4. thirsty A. hamburgerB. water C. sandwich( ) 5. flower A. plantB. food C. vegetable


sing English songs do kung fu dance play the pipa draw cartoons

Miss Whit: What can you do for the party, children?

Sarah: I can _________ with Chen Jie.

Mike: I can _________ .

Zhang Peng: I can _________ with my friends.

Chen Jie: Can you _________ , Zhang Peng?

Zhang Peng: Yes, a little. What about you?

Chen Jie: I can _________.

Miss White: Cool!


( ) 1. —Can she play ______ piano? —Yes, she can.

A. a B. the C. /

( ) 2. Are there ______ photos in the living room?

A. some B. any C. a

( ) 3. —______ is behind the tree ? —It’s a cat.

A. What B. Where C. How

( ) 4.There______two bedrooms, a kitchen and living room in my house.

A. am B. is C. are

( ) 5. —What _______ you often do on Saturdays? — I often read books.

A. do B. is C. are

( ) 6. —What _______ you like to eat? —I’d like some fish.

A. do B. would C. have

( ) 7. There are two _______ on the table.

A. water bottles B. water bottle C. waters bottle

( ) 8. I like salad. _______ I don’t like ice cream. It is too sweet.

A. But B. And C. /

( ) 9. _______ are my favourite vegetable.

A. Potatoes B. Chicken C. Beef

( )10.—What’s your _______ food? —Fish. It’s delicious.

A. like B. love C. favourite



( ) They are helpful at school .

( ) He often plays football on the weekends .

( ) He is a music teacher .

( ) I’d like some sandwiches and salad .

( ) We have an art class on Thursdays .

以上就是五年级英语上学期期末模拟的全部内容,更多信息,请关注威廉希尔app !





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