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威廉希尔app 为大家带来了五年级英语上学期期末模拟试题,希望能够帮助大家很好的掌握本文中所提到的知识点,帮助大家学习。

一、补全下列单词并翻译。( 6分)

( )1.k__d A. i B. a C. e( )2.sh____t A. ar B.ir C.il( )3.l_____k A.oo B.ee C.on( )4.stro____g A.n B.u C.e( ) 5.th____r A.ie B.ir C.li( )6.A__stralia A.e B.r C.u

二、按要求写单词。( 16 )

1.aunt(对应词)_________ 2.come(单三形式)_________3.I (宾格) ___________ 4.this( 复数)____________5.we will(缩写)__________ 6.一双鞋(翻译)_________7.she(宾格)_________ 8.children( 单数)_________

三、单项选择( 20分 )

( ) 1.——_________________________?

——Yes ,There is one between the school and the bookstore.

A. Is there a park near here, B. Can I help you?C. How can we get to the park?

( )2.——__________________________?

—She comes from Australia.

A. Is she a Chinese girl. B. Where is he fromC.Where does she come from?

( )3.——Is TianShui far from LanZhou?


A.Yes,it is not far B.No,it is very far C.Not very far

( )3.In China,people often eat noodles,dumplings and rice…

A,china B.China C.Chinese

( )4.———___________________is the computer?

——It is on the desk.

A.What B.Where C.How

( )5.My father,s brother is my________________.

A,uncle B.aunt C.brother

( )6.The brown shoes are beautiful.__________I like them.

A.It looks good B.They look good C.Let,s take them.

( )7.——Can you take me the way to the supermarket?


A. Sure.Go along this road and turn right. B.I can tell you C.No, I am old man.

( )8.——How can I get to the park?


A.It is near zoo B.By bus C.Bye

( )8.He is not old, He is_____________

A.short B.small C.young

( )9.I would like ___________Beijing,

A.visit B.to visit C.visiting

( )10.Please help me ______the meal.

A.cook B.cooking C.to cooking


1.How much ___________(be) they?

2.___________( do) you like this one?

3.She is my ____________(father)sister.

4.They are my aunt and uncle , s __________(child)

5.I,d like________(have) a room.

6.Where _______( do does) you from?

7.She is a_______(China) girl.

8.He _________(have)many good friends.

9.You are very___________(help)

10.I like ____________(China) food.


1.Can I help you(同义句)


2.It is 50 yuan .( 对画线部分提问)


3.Do you know the girl?( 作否定回答)


4.very beautiful/My aunt/looks/in the red dress(连词成句)


5.Where are you from?( 根据实际情况回答)


6.Have a good time!( 作答语)




My friend is……。. He/She is…。.(tall,short,young,strong,thin)

He/She likes……。 He/She is good at……


以上就是五年级英语上学期期末模拟试题的全部内容,更多信息,请关注威廉希尔app !





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