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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了五年级英语上册期末测试,网站内容每天更新,欢迎大家时时关注哦!

一、 找出不同类的单词。(每小题2分,共10分)

( ) 1. A song B cartoon C that D art( ) 2. A draw B kind C play D sing( ) 3. A sing B to C wash D watch( ) 4. A sweet B fresh C shy D. email( ) 5. A do B. for C at D in

二、 单项选择。(每小题2分,共20分)

1. ( ) What does she often ________ on Tuesdays ?

A. does B. doing C. do

2. ( ) --- Is Mr Ma funny ?

—________ .

A. Yes, she is B. Yes, he is C. No, he is

3.( )______ you have a new teacher?

A. Are B. Can C. Do

4. ( ) I don’t have______bread, but I have_______cakes.

A. any ;some, B. some, some, C. some; any

5. ( ) She often ______ books on the weekend .

A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read

6.( ) Wang Fang can play ________ erhu.

A. / B. an C. the

7. ( ) Her favorite food ______ chicken .

A. are B. for C. is

8. ( ) Can you __________ my friend ?

A. are B. be C. to be

9. ( ) I’d like some _________

A. chickens B. chickenes C. chicken

10. ( ) Please send me ______ email.

A. an B. a C. /

三、 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。(每小题2分,共10分)

1. health(形容词)___________ 2. child(复数)___________3. for(同音词)____________ 4.old(反义词)____________5.I’d like(完整形式 )_____________



( )1. What’s your favourite fruit ?A. Mr Gao .

( )2. What’s your father like ?B. He is tall and strong .

( )3. What do you have for dinner ?C. I like apples .

( )4. What do you have on Thursdays ?D. We have English and music .

( )5. Who’s your maths teacher ?E. I have beef and tomatoes .


1. I am_________ (help) at home.

2. I have maths ,English and music on_________ (Monday) .

3. John________ (have) PE and maths on Fridays .

4. Can you do_________ (some) kung fu?

5. Ms Wang will_________ (be) our Chinese teacher.


1. I’d like some sandwich . _______

2. It’s time to lunch . _______

3. We have two art class every week . ________

4. Today is the Monday . ________

5. What can you do for home ?____

七、 选词填空,将其序号填在括号里。(每空2分,共10分)

My name is Amy. It’s a new school year . I need do __1___ shopping .On Mondays. I have a math class . I need a ___2_ . On Tuesdays , I have __3__ art class . I need some

crayons. I have a PE class , __4___ Zhang is our PE teacher . He is very funny . He will teach us play ___5__ . So I want a new football . I often wash my clothes , clean my room and read books on the weekend .

( ) 1. A. any B. some C. /( ) 2. A. crayon B. ping - pong C. ruler( ) 3. A. a B. an C. /( ) 4. A. Miss B. Ms C. Mr( ) 5. A. pipa B. football C. games


1. They have don’t maths Mondays on ( . )


2. He like would water some ( .)


3. am new PE I your teacher ( .)


4.Do often you play the on weekend ping-pong ( ?)


5. any do Can Mike kung fu (?)


九、阅读理解, 判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,对的打“ √ ”,错的打 “ ×”。(每小题2分,共10分)

Hi , I’ m Tim . I’m from Dongfang School .Today is Tuesday . We have maths , Chinese and computer class on Tuesdays . I like computer class . My computer teacher is very fuuny .He is very strong . I like him . We have salad and fish for lunch on Wednesdays . Potatoes are my favourite food . Saturday is my favourite day . I often play football on Saturdays . Of course , I do my homework on Saturdays , too . What about you ?

( ) 1. Today is Thursday .

( ) 2. My computer teacher is very funny .

( ) 3. Tomatoes are my favourite food .

( ) 4. My favourite day is Friday .

( ) 5. I wash my clothes on Saturdays

以上是由威廉希尔app 为大家整理的五年级英语上册期末测试,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注威廉希尔app 。





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