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1. _________do you like Art best. ---Because it’s magic.

2. _________are you doing?--- I’m watching TV.

3. Do you like _________? ---Yes, I can draw a lot.

4. What day is it today? ---- It’s _________.

5. _________do you get up ?----I get up at seven o’clock in the morning

6. What’s the word_________? ----G-R-E-A-T, great.

7._________ are you from? -----I’m from China.

8. I like PE . _________

9. The pencil-case is _________.

10. _________much are they?------They are two hundred yuan.

七、 根据短文内容,判断正误“T”or “F”。(每题3分,共15分)

   My name is Gao Ping. My English teacher is Julia. She is from England. She has two children, a son and a daughter. Her daughter is Betty. Her son is Dick. Julia and her daughter are in China, but her husband Paul Smith is in England. Her son is in America. Paul is a policeman. Dick is a college student. Betty and I are in the same school. We are classmates, and we are good friends. I teach her Chinese and she teaches me English.


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