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( )1. A. June B. cute C. use D. cut( )2. A. can B. cat C. candy D. chair( )3. A. bike B. hike C. rice D. like( )4. A. date B. lake C. mate D. hate( )5. A. cap B. apple C. fan D. cake

四、 根据左边单词与右边正确的汉语意思连线吧。(每题1分,共8分)

Play computer games 听音乐Important 一个快乐的大家庭Interesting 为什么不Listening to music 玩电脑游戏A big happy family 一对翅膀The Mount Fuji 重要的A pair of wings 富士山Why not ? 有趣的

五、 单项选择题。(每题2分,共22分)

( )1. What’s your father? a doctor.

A. His B. She’s C. He’s D. her

( )2. Which man? ----- The man blue.

A. at B. by C. with D. in

( )3. Who is the man beside you? ----- He is my father.

A. mummy B. daddy C. father’s D. father

   ( )4. There a bed in the bedroom.


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