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5. Let ___________ (we) begin our class.

6. I come from _________. (British)

7. They are _____________ chairs. (child)

8. __________ the boy and the girl in Class One? (be)

9. Are you good at__________? (skate)

10. What would you like? I’d like some _________. (knife)

四、 用适当词填空

1. __________ interesting stories they are!

2. That’s my mother. She’s______ TV.

3. I must_________ care_________ my little brother. He’s too young.

4. She ______blue eyes.

5. ______a good–looking boy he is!

6. I live _______ 78 Apple Road.

7. I’m good ________dancing and singing.

8. The girl ____________long hair is my sister.

9. The farmers grow wheat _______ the farm.

   五、 根据中文补全下列各句


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