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1. His father is a ___________(作家)。

2. I __________(爱)my father and mother.

3. My friend Tom is ___________(在我右边)。

4. The ___________(出租司机)is Jim’s father.

5. She is ____________ (英语教师)

6. The boy ____________(在左面) is my brother.

7. She ____________(看起来像)her mother.

8. Here’s a picture of ____________(幸福家庭)。

9. The book ____________(在中间)is new.

10. What do you ____________(想做什么)in the future?

六、 单项选择

( ) 1. Throw the ball __________ this.

A. to B. like C. is D. at

( ) 2. Is this your English book? Yes, it is__________.

A. your B. yours C. my D. mine

( ) 3 .Play ball games __________ school.

A. in B. after C. behind D. near

( ) 4. Put__________ away, please.

A. they B. their C. them D. theirs

   ( ) 5. __________ textbook is that? It’s __________.


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