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A: It’s sunny. Let’s take a boat trip along the river, Lily.

B: Sorry, I don’t want to go, Tom.

A: Are you feeling tired?

B: No.

A: Are you feeling angry?

B: No.

A: What’s the matter?

B: My grandpa was ill in hospital.

A: I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s phone your mum. We can ask her about your grandpa.

B: OK.


1. Lily wants to take a boat trip.

2. Lily feels tired.

3. Lily doesn’t feel angry.

4. Lily’s grandpa was ill in hospital.

5. They will phone Tom’s mother.


Last Sunday, I went to the park with my friend Tina. It was near my house. So we walked there. We arrived there at 8:00 in the morning. We played a chess game at first. I won the game. I was so happy. We saw a boy. He can’t ride a bike. His mother helped him. The boy was happy, but his mother was tired. We wanted to skip. But we lost our skipping rope. We were very sad. Then we went home in the afternoon.


6. Tina and I went to the park last __________.

A. Sunday                B. Saturday           C. Friday

7. We went to the park __________.

A. by bike                B. by bus              C. on foot

8. The boy can’t _________.

A. ride a bike              B. fly a kite            C. swim

9. The boy’s mother was _________.

A. happy                  B. tired               C. bored

10. We couldn’t (不能) find our ________. We were sad.

A. toys                    B. football             C. skipping rope


热点搜索:五年级上册英语期末试卷 | 五年级上册英语期末复习要点






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