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B: I go home at 5:05.

1. __________  2. __________  3. __________  4. __________  5. __________


Sam, Amy, Lingling and Ms Smart _________ lots of places at the weekend. They _________ to the British Museum and the London Eye. They took a bus first, and then _________ to the London Eye. It _______ them half an hour. The London Eye is very high. Ms Smart ________ like it but the children did.


Yesterday John didn’t play table tennis well. So he is feeling very sad. He is crying at home. It rained yesterday. Daming couldn’t go out to play. He is feeling sad, too. Li Lei helped mum do the housework all day yesterday. Now he is feeling tired. Han Mei won a chess game yesterday. Now she is feeling happy.

(    ) 1. Who is feeling happy?

A. John        B. Li Lei      C. Han Mei

(    ) 2. 文中划线的单词的意思是_____

A. 大笑        B. 哭泣        C. 烦躁

(    ) 3. How is Daming feeling?

A. happy          B. sad         C. tired

(    ) 4. Why is Li Lei feeling tired?

A. He helped his mum do the housework yesterday.

B. He played basketball yesterday.

C. He did his homework yesterday.

(    ) 5. Which of the following is right(对的)?

A. It was sunny yesterday.

B. John and Daming are feeling sad.

C. Han Mei won a basketball game.


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