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七.   为下列的图片选择合适的句子。(6分)

(    )1.       A.He is a doctor.       B.He is a juggler.

(    )2.    A.It  is under the chair.  B.It is on the chair.

(    )3.      A.The shoes are cheap  .  B.The shoes  is cheap.

(    )4.

A.There is a zoo next to the park .  B.There is a zoo next to the post office.

八. 阅读理解。(5分)

Hello! My name is Jane. I’m a student.I’m nine years old. I live in a blue house with my family.My house is near the hospital. My mother is beautiful and thin. She is a nurse. My father is a policeman.He is clever.

My bedroom is big. There is a big bed in my bedroom. There is a football under the bed,I like play football very much. Can you see a teddy bear on the bed?That’s my favorit toy. I have got ten pairs of shoes and fifteen dresses. My favorite dress is a  pink one,it’s ninety yuan.


(   ) 1. --- How old is Jane?  --- She is _______ years old.

A.8     B. 9     C. 10

(   ) 2. --- What does Jane’s father do?  ---______________ .

A.He is a doctor. B. He is a nurse .    C. He is a policeman.

(   ) 3. --- where is Jane’s house?  --- It's near the_______ .

A. school.    B. hospital   C.train staition.

(   ) 4. --- How much is the pink dress?         --- It’s _______.

A.9 yuan     B. 90 yuan     C. 19yuan

(   ) 5. --- How many dresses does Jane have?    --- _______.

A.10    B. 9     C. 15


姓名 性别 特征 喜欢的动物

Tim boy clever monkey

Lisa girl beatiful rabbit

Jack boy cute horse

例句:Tim: I’m Tim.I’m  a clever boy. I like monkeys very much.




热点搜索:五年级上册英语期末试卷 | 五年级上册英语期末复习要点






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