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A:  _______________ I can’t find it.

B:  Is your skirt red?

A:  No, it isn’t. ________________

B:  ________________ Is that your skirt?

A:  ________________ It’s Amy’s.

B:  Don’t worry. Let’s look for it together.

A:  __________

B:  You’re welcome.


A. 阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。

Yesterday, I went to the park and played basketball with some friends. Amy, Lingling and I were in a team. I could run fast, Amy and Lingling could catch the ball well. Our team won at last. We got thirty-six points, they got twenty points. We were happy. But then we felt hungry, I bought some bread, we ate it together. Then we were thirsty and drank some water. After I went home, I was tired. Amy went to bed late. She was bored and wanted me to play with her, but I didn’t. I went to bed early.

(   )1. I went to school and played basketball yesterday.

(   )2. I could catch the ball well, Amy and Lingling could run fast.

(   )3. Our team won and we were very happy.

(   )4. We were hungry and thirsty.

(   )5. Amy and I went to bed together.


In September, every school in the UK has a harvest festival(收获节).Children take food to school for a special lesson(一堂课). In the lesson, they learn about food and where it comes from.

Sara and Mark are English. They learnt about milk and rice last lesson. Their teacher told them that milk comes from cows. They also knew that rice grows(生长)on the ground in China, India(印度) and Thailand(泰国) and so on, not in the UK. After the lesson, the children went to the school hall(礼堂).They sang songs about farms, and read poems about animals. The headmaster(校长) told them how hard farmers work to give everyone food. After school, they took the food to old people.

(  )1. Every school in the UK has a harvest festival in __________.

A. October        B. September        C. November

(  )2. ---Why do children take food to school at harvest festival?

--- Because they ________.

A. have a special lesson    B. have a picnic     C. are hungry

(  )3. The farmers grow rice in___________.

A. the UK and China     B. India and Thailand    C. Thailand and the UK

(  )4. Children sang songs and read poems _________.

A. in the library        B. in the park      C. in the school hall

(  )5. What’s the title(题目)of the text?

A.  Harvest Festival     B . Milk and Rice




热点搜索:五年级上册英语期末试卷 | 五年级上册英语期末复习要点






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