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( )1.go for a walk A.乘飞机( )2.the Palace Museum B.故宫博物馆( )3.by plane C.去散步( )4.fly kites D. 首都( )5.plant flowers E. 旅行计划( )6.a flag of Australia F.瀑布( )7.travel plan G.放风筝( )8.from…to…。 H.一个幅澳大利亚国旗( )9.the capital city I.种花( )10.waterfall J. 从…。到…


( ) 1. My mother _______a brother.

A. has B.have C. is

( ) 2. I love to go ______ trips!

A. on B. in C. for

( ) 3. It’s a map of _______ .

A. China B. china C. Chinese

( ) 4. We go to Beijing ______ bus.

A. in B. on C. by

( ) 5. How far is it ______ Beijing to Shijiazhuang?

A. from B. to C. for

( ) 6. Jing ______ to water flowers.

A.like B.liking C.likes

( )7.What do you do_____the Spring Festival?

A.in B.at C.for

   ( )8、May I go shopping? Yes, ________.


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