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1.    He usually _______ (get, gets) up at six in the morning.

2.    What are you going to _____ (do, did) this Sunday?

3.    She likes ________ (playing, play) badminton in the afternoon.

4.    They didn’t ______ (buy, bought) the new hat.

5.    The children are _________ (skate, skating) now.


A. What were you doing             B. This is Koko

C. I’ll come over soon               D. I feel very bored

E. How about you                   F. We can swim together

Koko: Hello. Is that Tim speaking?

Tim: Yes. Who’s that?

Koko: ______. It’s very hot outside now. ______?

Tim: I was watching a film. ________?

Koko: Nothing. _________.

Tim: So, come over and play with me! ________.

Koko: Great idea!

Tim: When will you come over?

Koko: __________.

Tim: OK. See you.

Koko: See you.


One morning, Mr and Mrs Green went shopping in their  1  . In the shop they saw many clothes. Mrs Green liked them very much. She  2  a shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter and a sweater for Mr Green. She bought herself a blouse, too.

At about one o’clock, they went home. But they lost(迷失) their way. Mr Green  3  over to an old woman and asked, “  4  am I? Please tell me.” The old woman looked at him and the car.“You’re in your car, sir.” She  5 .

(    ) 1. A. plane           B. car               C. bus

(    ) 2. A. made           B. bought            C. borrowed

(    ) 3. A. swam           B. drove             C. flew

(    ) 4. A. Where          B. How               C. Who

(    ) 5. A. sang            B. listened            C. said


Mr Brown looked out of his window. There was a boy in the street. He was eating a sandwich.

There was a dog in the street, too. The boy said, “Come here, good dog. I’m going to give you some sandwich.” The dog came up. The boy kicked(踢) the dog. The dog ran away.

Mr Brown came out of the house and said to the boy, “Come here, I’m going to give you some money.” The boy was happy and went to Mr Brown. But Mr Brown didn’t give him any money. He kicked the boy.

The boy cried(哭) and said, “Why do you kick me? I didn’t ask you for any money.” “The dog didn’t ask you for any sandwich,” Mr Brown said, “But you kicked it.”

A. 判断下列句子正误。正确的在括号内写T,错误的写F。(5分)

(   ) 1. The boy was having some bread in the street.

(   ) 2. The boy didn’t give the dog any sandwich.

(   ) 3. The boy liked the dog.

(   ) 4. Mr Brown wanted to give the boy some money.

(   ) 5. Mr Brown was going to give the boy a lesson(教训)。

B. 根据短文意思,请将正确答案的编号填到题前括号内。(5分)

(   ) 1. ______ was eating a sandwich in the street.

A. The dog           B. Mr Brown          C. The boy

(   ) 2. The dog ran away because(因为) ________________.

A.   The boy gave it some sandwich

B.   The boy kicked it              C. Mr Brown kicked it

(   ) 3. Mr Brown wanted to give the boy _______.

A. some sandwich        B. some money      C. a lesson

(   ) 4. Mr Brown thought(认为) the boy was ______.

A. right               B. happy            C. wrong

(   ) 5. We can know from the text that __________.

A.   We should(应该) be kind to the animal

B.   We should kick the dog

C.   We should give money to the boy






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