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尽快地掌握知识,迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 为您提供的小学五年级英语学业综合试题,希望给您带来启发!



(   ) 1. fast     sharp            (   ) 2. played, visited

(   ) 3. soon    look             (   ) 4. stamp   skip


A. 选出不同类的一项。(5分)

(   ) 1. A. badminton     B. volleyball    C. sports    D. football

(   ) 2. A. came         B. took       C. ate         D. fishing

(   ) 3. A. monkey      B. bird        C. hippo        D. piano

(   ) 4. A. October     B. winter      C. autumn      D. spring

(   ) 5. A. Friday      B. birthday     C. Tuesday    D. Sunday

B. 下列单词拼写均不完整,请选出适当的字母组合,使其完整正确。(5分)

(   ) 1. r__ __lly         A. ee          B. ea          C. eo

(   ) 2. m___ss__       A. a…y        B. e…y        C. a…e

(   ) 3. f__st            A. e           B. a           C. u

(   ) 4. m__ut__ __n     A. o…ai       B. a…ai       C. o…ei

(   ) 5. __w__ke         A. a…e        B. a…i        C. a..a


(   ) 1. ----- The kitchen was very messy this morning.

----- Yes. The walls _______ dirty. The fridge ______ old and dirty.

A. were; was          B. are; was        C. were; is

(   ) 2. Betty ________ like dancing, but she ________ singing.

A. don’t; like        B. doesn’t; like     C. doesn’t; likes

(   ) 3. ________ be a sports-meeting next Wednesday.

A. There was       B. There’ll            C. We’ll

(   ) 4. Where ____ you _____ last Monday? I went to Shenzhen.

A. do; went          B. did; went          C. did; go

(   ) 5. Look! There are many boys outside. They ________ football.

A. are playing        B. playing           C. will play

(   ) 6. Baryonyx ate fish. It _______ but didn’t ______.

A. run; fly            B. ran; flew          C. ran; fly

(   ) 7. It’s nine o’clock. It’s time _____ bed.

A. to                B. for                C. go to

(   ) 8. They rode ______ Lion Land ______ a train last weekend.

A. over; on         B. above; in          C. through; on

(   ) 9. -----What can we do on a _____ weekend?

----- We can stay at home and ______ the Internet.

A. rainy; surf      B. rain; surfing       C. rainy; surfing

(   )10. ----- Happy New Year!

----- ____________

A. Thank you.     B. The same to you.     C. That’s OK.

(   )11. ----- Let’s go to fly kites this afternoon!

----- __________

A. I don’t want to.     B. Great idea!       C. Surprise!

(   ) 12. -----It’s winter in China now. How about in Australia?

----- Well, It’s ______.

A. summer            B. spring          C. autumn


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