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(   ) 1.What _____ you _____ on Sundays?

A.are,do     B.does, do    C.do ,do

(   )2.What would you like ______ eat?

A.to    B.for   C.at

(   )3._______ there a forest?

A.Is      B.Are     C.Be

(   )4.Are there _______ lakes in the  park?

A.some   B.any    C.a

5.(   )He can ______ ping-pong.

A.plays   B.play the   C.play

6.(   )Sarah`s _______ food  is fish

A. favourite  B likes   C.like

7.(   )There______ a banana and some apples_______ the plate.

A is,  in     B.are,on       C. are,at

8.(   )We`ll have _____English party next Tuesday.

A.  a     B.an     C.  /

9.(   )Do you often read books _______ the weekend?

A. on        B.in        C.of

10.(   )----______ the ball?----It`s in front of the dog.

A.Where`s    B.How`s    C.What`s

11.(   )Can you______your clothes?

A. wash     B.watch      C.read

12.(   )------________ she like?

____She is very kind.

A.How`s    B.what     C.What`s

13.(   )I love ice cream. It`s________.

A.sweet    B.hot      C.fresh

14.(   )I like vegetables.They`re_______.

A.sweet    B.healthy   C.hot

15.(   )She is old_____strict._______ we like her.

A.but,and   B. and ,but   C.or,but

16.(   )They ______English ,maths and science_______Mondays.

A. Has,on   B.has,in   C.have ,on

17(    )-----________your art teacher?----Mr Jones.

A.What`s   B.Whose    C.Who`s

18.(    )你想知道Amy是不是很聪明,你问Tom:_________

A.Is she polite?    B.Is Amy shy?  C.Is Amy clever?

18. (    )对方问你周末是不是经常读书,如果你是,你说:____________

A.Yes,I am   B.Yes,I do       C.No,I don`t

19. (   )你去朋友家做客,朋友问你想喝点什么,你说:_________

A.I like tea   B.I`d like some tea.  C.I`d like a salad.

20. (   )你想知道对方会做什么,你问:__________

A.What can you do?    B.What do you do ?   C.What are you doing ?

21. (   )你想知道森林里有没有一个湖,你问:_____________

A.Is there a river in the forest?  B.Is there a bridge in the forest?  C.Is there a lake in the forest?






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