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(    )1. Where ______ you going?

A . are               B . is               C . am

(    )2. _______buy a present for my father.

A. For               B. To              C. At

(    )3. His birthday is on _____ 15.

A. may              B. mey             C. May

(    ) 4. What’s________ date today?   It’s May 6.

A. the               B. a                C. an

(    )5. When’s_________birthday, Dongdong?

A. you               B. your             C. yours

(    )6. Let_____go  to  the  shopping  mall.

A. us                B. is                C. we

(    )7. A: Is it your _____ birthday? No, it’s not.

A. father             B. father’s           C. father’

(    )8. A: What______Tino want to buy for Sandy?    B: A belt.

A. is                 B. do               C. does

(    )9. A: What do you want to buy?  B:__________

A. Yes, I am           B. Let’s go shopping.    C. Well, I’m not sure.

(    )10. _______is on Jun 1st.

A. Child’s             B. Children           C. Children’s Day


(一)    What      When       Where        How        Why

1. ___________is Cody’s birthday?         2. ___________is the date today?

3. ___________long does it take to go to school?   4. _________are you going?

5. _________did you do after school?      6. _________don’t you ride a bike?

7. _________is Children’s Day?         8. _________does Billy go to school?

9. _________was your day?            10. __________time do you get up?

(二)  join      about       present      for       Anyway

A: Where are you going?

B: I’m going to buy some__________for my teacher.

A: Why?

B: Tomorrow is Teacher’s Day. It’s September 10. We want to buy her some presents. Can you_________us?

A: Sure! What do you want to buy?

B: I want to buy some flowers_________her. How________you?

A: Well, I’m not sure. A car or a book?

B: ________, let’s go to the supermarket.


Dongdong: Where are you going?

Sandy: To buy a present for my father.

Dongdong: Is it your father’s birthday?

Sandy: Yes, His birthday is on May 5. I want to buy a shirt for him.

1. Sandy wants to buy a shirt for her father.(     )

2. Dongdong will play the game.(     )

3. Billy’s father’s birthday is on May 5. (     )

4. Billy wants to buy a shirt.(      )

5. Sandy’s father’s birthday is in March.(     )



2015牛津版五年级英语上册单元试卷:Unit 5  



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