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Look at two pictures. It’s _________ school.

____________ any swings before. But now ____________ four swings here.

____________ one slide before. ____________ two slides here now.


1. A: _______ _____ ____ ___?

B: It’s Amy’s.

3. A: ______ _____ ____ _______.

I can’t lift it.

5. A: What were there before?

B: _______ ______ (有)some __________.(鸭子)

五、情景交际。选择恰当的句子补全对话, 将序号写在横线上。

Amy:  Come on, Lingling. We’re going to go to the supermarket.

Lingling:  1.__________.

Amy:  2.                   .

Lingling:  Yes, it is. There are many biscuits over there.

Amy:  3.____________

Ms Smart:  Please help me put the bag in the car.

Lingling:  This bag is so big! 4.               .

Sam:  5._________

Ms Smart:  You are helpful children. Have some sweets.

Amy. Sam, Lingling:  Thank you.


Yesterday was Ella’s birthday. She had a birthday party at home. There were many friends there, two boys and four girls. Ella has got lots of birthday presents. There was a kite, three toys, two birthday cards and a computer game. She was very happy. She played the computer game with her friends. And they watched TV and ate a big birthday cake. Mum bought some sweets for them. The children like them very much.

(   ) 1. There was a birthday party at Ella’s Home yesterday.

(   ) 2. Ella wasn’t happy.

(   ) 3. There were six friends there.

(   ) 4. There weren’t any presents for Ella.

(   ) 5. There was a birthday cake and some sweets.








Ⅰ. 听音,选出句子中所含的单词,将序号写在前面的括号内。

No.1   This big man wants to lift this big stone.

No.2   We went to the supermarket last weekend.

No.3   Christmas is on the 25th of December.

No.4   This building is only 1 year old. It’s new.

No.5   Tom saw a scary monster on the TV Show.


No.1  Amy is going to be 11. She is going to have a birthday party.

No2.  Look! It’s an invitation for her party.

No.3  Amy’s mum is going to make a cake for her.

No4.  Amy’s friend, Lucy also likes eating a cake.

No5.  They are going to sing and dance.

No.6.  They are going to take photos.

No7.  After that, they’re going to help mum tidy the room.

No8.  Amy’s friends are going to go home at three o’clock.


No.1 On that day, children wear special hats and find chocolate eggs to eat.

Q: What festival is it?

No.2 Welcome to my party. It’s from nine o’clock a.m to three o’clock p.m.

Q: What time is the party going to be end?

No.3 The bag is so big. I can’t lift it.

No.4 The red dress is not mine.

Q: Whose dress is it?

No.5 I’m going to buy different things from lots of countries.

Q: Where am I going to go?

No.6 Look at the pictures of our school. There were some little trees here before.

Q: Were there lots of big trees here before?

No.7 Tomorrow morning, we are going to play with my friend at home.

Q: Where are they going to play?

No.8 There were five eggs before. But there are five chicks now.

Q:What can you see now?

Ⅳ. 听短文,判断正误。正确写“T”, 错误写“F”。

Christmas is coming. Lingling wrote an invitation for Jim.

Dear Jim,

Christmas is coming, please come to my Christmas party. We are going to have a Christmas tree and lots of sweets.

At 15 Apple Road, London

ON: 24th of December

From: 2 o’clock

To: 5 o’clock

Please reply.                                          听力部分到此结束!



一.  (1×5=5分))  A   B   C   A    B

二.  (2×8=16分)  4   8   1   7   5   6   2   3

三.  (1×8=8分)  A   C   C   C   A   B   A   B

四.  (1×6=6分))  F   T   F   F   T   F


一、(1×10=10分)   (每词一分,没大写,没变化扣减0.5分)

1. playground  2. Sometimes ,restaurants  3. invitation

4. sell  , countries   5.laughing   6. mine   7. both , wet

二、 (1×15=15分) B C B C A /  B A B C B /   C B C B B

三、 (1×10=10分) (每词一分,没大写,没变化扣减0.5分)

1. yours  2. pond , before  3. night   4. sing , dance

5. supermarkets  ,  restaurants    6. why    7.Whose

四、 A: (1×5空=5分)   B: (0.5×20词=10分)

A:   my,  There weren’t,   there are,   There was,   There are

(每空一分,没大写, 扣减0.5分)

B: 1. Whose skirt is it?

2. They go to people’s houses.

3. This box / bag is heavy.

4. going to sing and dance

5. There were , ducks     (每词0.5分,没大写,没变化扣减0.5分)

五、(1×5=5分) B  D  A  C  E

六、(1×5=5分) T  F  T  F  T








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