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1.What do  you do on  __________________.( 星期三 )

I often ______________  _________________( 读书 )

2. We have Chinese , _________(美术课) and ________(数学课)on mMondays.

3. I like __________( 西红柿) very much. It’s my _______________(最喜欢的)。

4.I don’ t like ____________(葡萄), They’re ____________(酸的)。

5. He is a university ___________(学生)。

四、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。 10%

1.    day it what today is


2.    your is what food  favourite


3.    do on you what Sunday do


4.    is English your who teacher


5.    have eat I to more vegetables



John: Hello.

Zhang: Hi, John. ______________________________What are you doing ?

John: _______________________________

Zhang: Do you want to go to the ____________________

John: Sure. _____________________________________

Zhang: 10:30.

John: Ok,__________________-

Zhang: Bye,

A. See you later.   B.   Children   Center  ,  C. This is Zhang Peng.

D.I am doing my homework, E.What time ?


A bus stop (停) at a small bus-stop (公共汽车站). A man looks out of the window and sees a woman, She is selling (卖) cakes, The man wants to eat a cake , but the woman isn’t near here, It’s raining and the man doesn’t want to go out in the rain, Soon (不久) , the man sees a boy, The boy is near the window, “Do you know how much the cake is ?” “Twenty fen.” The boy says, The man gives the boy forty fen and asks him to buy two cakes. “One is for you and one for me,” He says to the boy,

After a while (一会儿) , the boy comes back, He’s eating a cake. He gives the man twenty fen and says “Sorry , there is only one cake left (剩下).”


1. Where is the man ?

A. He is at home,  B. He is in a bus.  C. He is in a car.

2. What’s the woman doing ?

A. She is eating cakes. B. She is making cakes, C. She is selling cakes.

3. How many cakes does the woman have ?

A. Only one   B. Two,  C. Many.

4. How much are two cakes ?

A. Twenty fen,  B. Forty fen  C. I don’t know.

5. What’s the result (结果) ?

A. The man eat a cake,  B. The man doesn’t eat a cake,

C. The boy doesn’t eat a cake,



1.  My  father  is  very  strict ,

2.  Amy  likes  stawberries  best , because  they’re  sweet,

3.  I  often  do  sports  on  Thursday,

4.  My  mother  often  does  housework  at  home,

5.  Open  your  mouth,

6.  What do you have for lunch ?  I have some fish and cabbage,

7.  Apple  is  my  favourite  fruit,

8.  I  like  eggplant  , because  it  is  yummy,



Mary is a funny and short girl, She’d like some fish and green beens.

Tom is tall and strong, He’d like some chicken and hamburgers,

Linda is short and thin, She’d like some tomatoes and tofu,

Mr Wu is strict ,but he’s kind , He’d like some potatoes and eggplant,

Miss Lin is young and active, She’d like some mutton and soup,


1.What’s she like ?

2.Do you like mutton for lunch ?

3.I like green beens ,because they’re healty,

4.What do you do on Saturday ?

5.What day is it today ?  Today is Saturday. What day is it tomorrow ?



1. I  like ( pork ),  It’s   (tasty),

2.  What  do  you  do  ( on ) ( Fridays ) ?

3.  Is  she ( active ) ?     No ,  she  is  ( quiet ).

4.  Who  is  (your) English  ( teacher )?

5.  I  often  do ( sports ) and  ( play )computer  games,


Miss Brown is our principal, She is our Chinese teacher, She is tall and thin, She often reads books and plays pingpong,She always play pingpong with us, We like her very much,





3.Wendesdays   read books   art  math  tomato  favourite  grapes  sour  student

4. 1).What day is it today ?

2).What is your favourite food ?

3).What do you do on Sunday ?

4).Who is your English teacher ?

5).I have to eat more vegetbles,

5.C D B E A

6.B C A B B


威廉希尔app 为大家策划了五年级上学期期中复习专题,为大家提供 了五年级期中复习知识点、五年级期中考试复习要点、五年级期中试卷、五年级期中考试模拟题、五年级语文期中复习要点、五年级数学期中模拟题、五年级英语期中复习资料等相关内容, 供大家考前复习参考。




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