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(     )1.I ___ my ice cream yesterday.

A. drop    B. dropped      C.  droped

(     )2. _______ oranges do you want?

A. How many  B. How much   C. How

(     )3.A: ----Is it Sam’s school bag?

B:----Yes, it’s__.

A. his     B .its   C. hers

(     )4.A:----Can you run fast?         B:----____.

A. No, she can.  B. No, I can’t.  C. Yes, I do.

(     )5. I can play football__.

A. good        B. well       C. at all

(      )  6.Did you come back______     ?

A .tomorrow    B. yesterday   C. next week

(     ) 7.______   did you come back?

I came back yesterday.

A .When       B. Who        C .Where

(     )8. Please_________ the pencils..

A .give to       B. give out     C .give up

(     ) 9. ______water do you want?

A. How much     B. How many    C. How

(      ) 10._______ did you go ?    I went to the Great Wall.

A. How         B. What        C .Where

二.连词成句. (20分)

1. are  there  ten  pencils  .


2. Jimmy’s  this  cap  is  ?


3. hers  is  this  skirt  .


4.we  lots  of  visited  places  .


5. rice  do  how  much  want  you  ?


6. many  you  do  how  want  bananas?


7. need   we  for  picnic  our  food


8.  you  wash  T-shirt  Ling ling’s  did


9. is  not  it  mine


10. thank   you   email   for   your



(    )1.Whose trousers is this?          A. I came back last Monday.

(    )2.Did you go home by bike?       B. No, he didn’t.

(    )3.How much meat do you want?    C. It’s his.

(    )4.When did you come back?       D. Yes, I did.

(    )5.Did he eat rice yesterday?        E. One kilo.

(     ) 6.Who went to Beijing?           F. By bus.

(     )7.Did they meet John?              G. Yes, they did.

(     )8.Does Lingling like bananas?       H. I went to Liaocheng.

(    )9.How did you go to the Great Wall?    I. Yes, she does.

(    )10.Where did you go?                 J . Daming and Sam.


A. I don’t understand.  B. What’s the London Eye?  C. I’m fine, thanks .  D. Where did you go?   E. We visited lots of places.

Lingling: Hello, Daming. How are you ?

Daming:    _____________.

Lingling: What did you do at the weekend?

Daming:   ____________.

Lingling:   ____________.

Daming: We went to the Big Ben and the London Eye.

Lingling:  ____________.

Daming: It’s a big wheel.

Linling:     ____________.

Daming:  You’ll see it next week.

五 阅读理解选择正确答案(10分)

Lily likes English very much. She works hard(刻苦). She reads English every morning.  She likes speaking English . She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening. Does she like dancing? No, she doesn't. But she likes drawing(画画)and singing.  Her parents likes her very much. And all the teachers and her friends like her , too.

(   )1. What does Lily do in the morning?

A. She writes English. B. She reads English. C. She draws pictures.

(   )2.  What does she often listen to?

A.  English songs.  B.  Chinese  stories.  C. The  radio.

(   )3. When does Mary watch TV?

A. In the morning.   B.  On Saturday.  C. Every evening.

(   )4. What doesn't Lily like?

A. Dancing.  B. Singing.  C. Drawing.

(   )5. Do her parents like her very much?

A.  Yes, they do.    B.  No, they don't.   C. I don't know.

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