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(    )16. book   A. look   B. school  C. zoo

(    )17. cake   A. have   B. plate   C. jacket

(    )18. desk   A. them   B. free    C. dress

(    )19. hot    A. box    B. open   C. to

(    )20. bag    A. play   B. basket  C. happy


(   )21.--What do you do ____ Saturdays?---Do the homework and listen to music.

A. in    B. at    C. on

(    )22. ---Do you like _____? ---Yes, I _____.

A.puppets, like  B. puppet, do  C. puppets, do

(    )23. There _____ a teacher and some students in the classroom.

A. are    B. is    C. am

(    )24. ---How many birds _____ you see?---I _____ see any.

A. can, can    B. can’t, can    C. can, can’t

(    )25. ____ Sundays, We can watch TV______ the evening.

A.In , on    B. On, in    C.At, in

(    )26. ---____ on the table?--- There are many things.

A. Where’s  B. Who’s   C. What’s

(    )27. I can play       football, but I can’t play      guitar.

A. the;/    B. /;the  C. the;the

(    )28. Don’t look ________ the window, listen ________ me, please.

A.at; to     B. to; at   C. for; /

(    )29. I can      the violin. I like         the violin.

A play, playing  B play, play    C playing, playing

(    )30. ---What are _____ jobs? ---They’re nurses.

A. they        B. their    C. they’re

(    )31. ____that woman with big eyes?

A. Who’s      B. Whose   C. who’s

(    )32. --- The girl over there is      friend .  ---     name is Xiaomei .

A his, His      B. my, I    C. his, Her

(    )33. Who’s the woman _____ the red dress?

A .with        B. in        C. on

(   )34. ---What’s the mattert with your cat?  ---___________

A.I’m cold     B.You’re hot.   C.It’s ill.

(    )35. .How much       the bowl of noodles?

A. am         B. is          C. are


(   ) 36.  They like playing basketball and their teachers after school.

A         B                C

(   ) 37.  We’re late to the party.

A      B     C

(   ) 38. We all like learn English very much .

A      B            C

(   ) 39. Can I help you? I would like buy some milk.

A                 B       C

(   ) 40. Do you like bread? No, I like pie.

A          B            C

(   ) 41. I can’t  playing  the piano.

A      B       C


I am Nancy Black. I___42__a brother, Mike. My father is a doctor and my mother is a bus driver. They don’t ___43____ on Saturdays and Sundays. They sweep the floor  _____44___  Saturday morning. ___45_____ Mike and I like  ____46__  some magazines. Sometimes we watch TV, but my father  ___47_____  , he ___48__  reading a newspaper__49___my mother.

(    )42. A. am   B.  have      C. has

(    )43. A. go to school B.  work      C. drive

(    )44. A. in    B.  at       C. on

(    )45. A. And   B.  But      C. Then

(    )46. A. reading  B.  looking    C. watching

(    )47. A. isn’t   B. don’t      C. doesn’t

(    )48. A. like   B.  likes      C. can

(    )49. A. with   B.  and      C. or



(   )50.________ can sing and play the guitar.

A. Rose   B. Rose and Sam   C. Rose and Tom

(   )51. ________ can sing and dance.

A. Rose and Lily   B. Tome and Sam   C. Tom

(   )52. ________ can’t dance.

A. Rose and Sam   B. Rose and Lily   C. Rose,Sam and Lily

(   )53. ________ can play cards.

A. Rose   B. Sam   C. Tom


Look at the picture of Lily and Lucy’s bedroom. The walls are white and the windows are big. You can see a picture of their family on the wall. The desk is near the window. You can see some books and flowers on it. A clock is on it, too. There are two baseball bats under the bed. Lily’s sweater is on her bed, but Lucy’s sweater is behind her chair. Where are their hats? They are on the sofa. Oh, no, they are on the floor. What’s on the sofa? They are cats. They look like hats.

(    ) 54. Where is the photo of Lily’s family?

A. On the desk.    B. On the wall.    C. Near the wall.

(    ) 55.What’s on the desk?

A. Some books and flowers.   B. Aclock.   C. Aclock, some books and flowers.

(    ) 56.Where are their hats?

A. Under the bed.    B. On the floor.    C. On the sofa.

(    ) 57.Are there any cats on the sofa?

A. Yes, it is.    B. Yes, there is.    C. Yes, there are.


58. 请别打开窗户。                the window, please.

59. 长着小耳朵的那个女士是我的妈妈。

The woman          small          is my mother.

60. 我会溜冰,我也喜欢溜冰。I can _______ and I like ________, too .

61. 玻璃杯里没有牛奶。 There’s not                   in the glass.


Sometimes we ________ table tennis __________ our friends.






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