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(    ) Noodles.I love beef noodles.They’re delicious.What about you?

(    ) Great!

(    ) Well, let’s see.We have beef noodles and fish sanwiches today.

(    ) What’s your favourite food?

(    ) Fish.


1. My science teacher is Mr Green.He is very ____________.

2. Do you often ______  ________ on the _________? Yes , I do.

3. I like _____  ________ It’s ___________.

4. Is she__________? Yes, she is.

5. I often ________  ________ on Saturdays.


1. this, often , books, you , read , Do , in , park  (?)

2. your , food, What’s, favourite     (?)

3. like , would , eat , you , What   (?)

4. PE , What’s ,  teacher , like , your  (?)

5. on , you , What , do , Thursday  have  (?)

Writing part(笔试部分)


(    )1. A.clever        B.friend       C.hard-working    D.shy

(    )2. A.Wednesday   B.Friday      C.Sunday         D.week

(    )3. A.Thursday    B.watch TV   C.play football   D.play sports

(    )4. A.sandwich    B.tea        C.salad         D.hamburger

(    )5. A.hot          B.fish        C.fresh        D.healthy


(    ) 1. --_______your art teacher?             --Mr Young.

A. What’s            B. Who’s           C. Where’s

(    ) 2. --What ________ Wu Yifan like?        --He’s tall. He’s polite.

A. am               B. is               C. are

(    ) 3. I have ________ football class on Mondays.

A. a                 B. an              C. the

(    ) 4. ______ you often play sports?

A. Are               B. Do              C. Can

(    ) 5. _______ would you like to eat?

A. Who              B. Where           C. What


(    ) 1. Is he young?                         A. No, I don’t.

(    ) 2. What’s she like?                      B. I’d like some tea.

(    ) 3. What do you have on Tuesdays?   C. She’s kind.

(    ) 4. Do you often read books?           D. No, he isn’t.

(    ) 5. What would you like to drink?      E. I have maths and music.


Dear Jack,

My name is David. I am 10 years old. I study in Willow Primary School. My favourite day is Monday. We have English and science class and we have sandwiches for lunch. Sandwiches are my favourite food. They’re delicious and healthy for me. Monday is a great day! My favourite teacher is Ms Brown. She is our English teacher. She’s kind, sometimes she is strict,too. She’s young and pretty. She’s very helpful. Her class is so much fun. We all like her very much. Tell me about your school, please.

Your friend,


(一) 读一读,判断对错,对用T,错用F

(   ) 1. Jack is a pupil in Willow Primary School.

(   ) 2. David is Ms Brown’s student.

(   ) 3. David’s favourite food are sandwiches.

(   ) 4. Ms Brown is a good teacher.

(   ) 5. David has music class on Mondays.

(二) 读一读,写一写.现在你是Jack,请写封回信给David

Now you’re Jack, write a letter to David.

Dear David,

My name is Jack. I am ____ years old. My favourite day is __________. We have ___________ and ___________class on that day. My favourite food is __________. It’s ___________. My favourite teacher is ___________. He / She is our __________ teacher. He / She is ____________ and ______________.

Your friend,


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