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(    ) Can I use your pencil, please?

(    ) Do you want some noodles?

(    ) I’d like some fish .

(    ) Can I have a basket for my rabbit?.

(    ) What does she look like ?

笔试部分 (60分)


1.(   )A. hamburger          B. grass            C. sandwich

2.(   )A. marker             B. glue             C. use

3.(   )A. notebook           B. chicken          C. beef

4.(   )A. borrow             B. dinner           C. lunch

5.(   )A. Chinese            B. fat              C. tall


(   )1. 想要借用别人的英语书,说:       。

A. Can I use your English book?

B. Can I use your Chinese book?

(   )2.别人向你表达感谢时,回答:     。

A.Sorry            B. You’re welcome

(   )3.想要知道另一个人长什么样子,说:      。

A. What does he/she look like ?  B. What do you like ?

(   )4. 询问别人是否想要喝汤:     。

A. Do you want some noodles?

B. Do you want some soup?

(   )5.询问多少钱,说:     。

A. How much is it ?           B. It’s ten yuan.


Lingling and Peter are good friends.

Lingling has new clothes. But she doesn’t like some of them. The hat is small. The coat is too big. She likes the skirt, because the skirt is beautiful!

Peter has new clothes, too. His scarf is warm, but it is too long. He likes the jacket and the shoes .They are very cool!

1.Lingling’s coat is small.(    )

2. Lingling likes the skirt.(    )

3. Peter’s scarf is too short.(    )

4. Peter likes the jacket and the shoes.(   )

5. Lingling doesn’t like the hat.(   )


(    ) 1.love    (可爱的)

A.li          B.ly

(    ) 2.wh   ch (哪一个)

A.i        B.e

(    ) 3.       cuse me(请原谅)

A.ex            B.eks

(    ) 4.b   f(牛肉)

A. ii            B.ee

(    ) 5.dic   ary (字典)

A.tion           B.tian


  1.   jacket     lovely     English    glue    vegetable

2.  Can I use your pencil, please?   Yes. Here you are.

3.  Which one do you want,the yellow one or a red one?

希望提供的小学五年级上册英语期中测试题,能够作为大家期中考试前的复习资料,威廉希尔app 会将期中考试试卷及期中复习相关内容及时发布,期待大家的密切关注!





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