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一,读一读,找出每组中不同类的一个. (10分)

(  )1. A. clever  B. friend     C. helpful    D. shy

(  )2. A. Monday  B. Friday   C. weekend     D. Sunday

(  )3. A. Thursday  B.read books  C.watch TV   D. do homework

(  )4. A.sandwich   B. tea  C. salad      D. hamburger

(  )5. A. sweet      B. hot       C. fish         D. fresh


(    ) 1. --_______your art teacher?     --Mr Young

A. What’s    B. Who’s     C. Where’s

(    ) 2. Do you read books _____ the weekend ?

A. on    B. in   C. at

(   )3. She’s young ______ thin.

A. and     B. but   C. or

(     ) 4. What _______ he like?

A. is          B. am      C. are

(   )5. What do you have           Mondays?

A. on      B. for         C. to

(   )6. What          you like for dinner?

A. do      B. have       C. would

(   ) 7. We’d like some _________.

A. noodle and fish    B. noodles and fish  C. noodles and fishes

(   )8. What’s your favourite ______?

A. foods      B. food     C. food’s

(    ) 9. I have Chinese ______ maths on Mondays .

A. and    B. or     C. with

(   )10. Is he tall?           , he’s short.

A.Yes, he is.   B. No, he isn’t.   C. No, he is.


(    ) Who’s your English teacher ?

(    ) What’s she like ?

(    ) Is she strict?

(    ) No, she isn’t. And she is kind.

(    ) Miss Zhang.

(    ) She’s tall and thin.

四、读一读,找出正确的答语。 (14分)

(  )1. Is he young?                 A. I have maths and music.

(  )2. What’s she like?             B. I’d like a sandwich.

(  )3. What do you have on Tuesdays?    C. She’s kind.

(  )4. Do you often read books?       D. I’d like some tea.

(  )5. What would you like to eat?      E. No, I don’t.

(  )6. What’s your favourite food?       F. No, he isn’t.

(  )7. What would you like to drink?      G. Noodles.


1. often,  I,  my,  on, do,  Sundays,  homework


2.   have,  on,  Fridays,  science,  we,  and,  math.


3. our,  is,  Li,  teacher,  Miss,  English,  new.


4.  is,  teacher,  my,  Chinese,  tall,  very.


5.   you , your , do , clothes , often , wash (?)


Hi,I’m David. I’m from Willon school. Today is Tuesday. We have math,Chinese and computer on Tuesdays. I like computer. My computer teacher is very funny,he is very strong. I like him.

We have hamburgers and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I don’t like hamburgers. Potatoes are my favourite food. Saturdays are my favourite days. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course, I do my homework too on Saturdays. What about you?

(    ) 1. What day is it today?

A. Tuesday    B. Wednesday   C. Friday     D. Saturday

(    ) 2. What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays?

A. beef and rice.      B. salad and greenbeans.

C. hamburgers and fish.   D. fish and tomatoes.

(    ) 3. What is David’s computer teacher like?

A.  He is tall and thin.  B. He’s very funny and strong.

C. He is so heavy.      D. He is active.

(    ) 4. Does David like his computer teacher?

A. Yes, he does.       B. Yes, he like.

C. No, he doesn’t.     D. No, he doesn’t like.

(    ) 5. What does David do on Saturday?

A. He often plays football ande does homework.

B. He often plays computer games.

C. He often watches TV and play ping-pong.

D. He often sings.

希望提供的小学五年级英语第一学期期中试卷,能够作为大家期中考试前的复习资料,威廉希尔app 会将期中考试试卷及期中复习相关内容及时发布,期待大家的密切关注!




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