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Mike: Hello. This is Mike. Is that Wu Yifan?

Wu: Yes, this is Wu Yifan. What are you doing, Mike?

Mike: I'm watching TV. What are you doing? And how is everybody doing?

Wu: Just fine. I'm doing the dishes. My father is writing an e-mail in the study. My mother is sweeping the floor. And my brother is playing chess with my sister.

Mike: What do you do on the weekend?

Wu: I visit grandparents and go shopping.

Mike: Do you want to go to the nature park?

Wu: Sure. What time?

Mike: At 1:30.

Wu: OK. See you later.

Mike: Bye.


(   ) 1. Wu Yifan is watching TV and Mike is doing the dishes.

(   ) 2. Wu Yifan's father is writing an e-mail in the bedroom.

(   ) 3. Wu Yifan visits grandparents and goes shopping on the weekend.

(   ) 4. Wu Yifan wants to go to the Children's Park at 1:30 with Mike.


My name is Amy. I'm from Canada. I usually get up at 6:30, and I often go hiking on the weekend. I like spring best. It's windy and warm. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play with snow. Today my parents are going shopping. My brother is swinging in the garden. I'm watching TV. Do you want to be my friend. My QQ is 408981124, and my telephone number is 6678115.



(    ) 1. Amy often goes hiking______.

A. on Sunday       B. in spring       C. on the weekend.

(    ) 2. Which is Amy's favourite season?

A. Spring.          B. Winter.        C. Spring and winter.

(    ) 3. ----Why does Amy like winter?


A. her birthday is in December    B. she can play with snow     C. A and B

(    ) 4. Is Amy's brother going shopping?

A. Yes, he is.         B. No, he isn't.     C. Yes, he is swinging in the garden.

(    ) 5. What's Amy's telephone number?

A. 408981124         B. 6678115        C. 408981124 and 6678115

VII.根据自由发挥,写一篇8句话以上的短文。题目:In the park。(10分)

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