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(   )1. What do you do on the weekend?            A. It's flying

(   )2. Thank you for telling me.                        B. No, they aren't

(   )3. What's the bird doing?                            C. Yes, it is.

(   )4. Are they having a picnic?                        D. I often go shopping.

(   )5. Is her birthday in May?                           E. You're welcome.

八、选择最合理的答案,把代号填入题前括号里。( 15分)

(    ) 1. —When do you have breakfast?    —At 6:30_______.      .               A. a.m.    B. c.m.    C. p.m. (    ) 2. --- What's the date?        --- ______.

A. It's Feb. 9th       B. It's 12:00     C. It's snowy and cold.

(    )3.___________ I go hiking.        A. Some  times     B. Sometime   C. Sometimes (    ) 4. Fall is___________ and cool.        A. very hot     B. windy C. cold (    ) 5. I can play with snow in__________.        A. fall      B. autumn       C. winter (    ) 6. When it’s fall in China, it’s____________ in Australia.        A. fall      B. spring C. winter (    ) 7. —When is Children’s Day?    —It’s__________ .        A. March 8th    B. July 4th  C. June 1st (    ) 8. —Is grandma’s birthday in June?  —_____________ .        A. Yes, she isn’t.    B. No, she is.  C. No, it isn’t. (    ) 9. —How many seasons are there in a year? ___________ .        A. Twelve       B. Seven  C. Four (    ) 10.____________ is the third month of a year.        A. January      B. March C. May (    ) 11. —Where are kangaroo from?______________ .        A. China  B. Canada       C. Australia (    ) 12. —Dad, there is a call for you. ______________ .        A. Thank you. B. You’re welcome.       C. You’re right. (    ) 13. I can____________ the meals. I am __________ the meals now.        A. cook; cooks      B. cook; cooking    C. cook; cook (    ) 14. —What are the monkeys doing?    —______________ .        A. He is swinging.  B. They are swinging.    C. Yes, they can swing. (    ) 15. Are the pandas climbing?-----____________.        A. Yes, it is.    B. No, they are not.       C. No, they are. 九、连词成句,注意大小写。 (10分) 1、like,   best,   do,   season,   which,   you  (?)    ________________________________________________________________                                                           2、is,   date,   what,   the  (?) ____________________________________________________________________                                                           3、eating,  are,   honey,   the,   they  (.) _____________________________________________________________                                                            4、time,   long,   a,   sleep,   can,   I,   because  (.) ______________________________________________________________                                                           5、is,   in,   dinner,   the,   mom,   kitchen,   cooking  (.) ___________________________________________________________

十、 阅读短文, 选择最佳答案,把代号填入题前括号里。(10分) Dear Bob: It’s suuny today. My friends and I are playing on the beach (沙滩). It’s very beautiful. The water is clean and blue. We are having a good time. Many birds are flying over the sea. Some are standing on the rock (岩石). Many people are swimming. Some people are lying (躺) on the beach. And some boys are playing football, too. My sister Mary is sitting on a chair and singing. My brother John is playing with sand (沙) and I am sitting on a rock and writing to you! What a nice day! What are you doing now? I hope I can get your letter soon.                                                           Best wishes!                                                               Sam (    ) 1. —What’s the weather like today?    —It’s __________.             .        A. Saturday    B. Sunday       C. Sunny (    ) 2. Sam and his friends are playing on the________.                .        A. beach  B. farm   C. playgroud (    ) 3. Mary is sitting on a chair and________.                 A. sleeping      B. singing       C. swimming (    ) 4. John is__________ with sand.        A. taking B. reading       C. playing (    ) 5. Many people are _________ .        A. swinging    B. reading       C. swimming


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