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(    )1.My father and my mother ________work on Sundays.      A. don’t      B. aren’t      C. not (    )2.There aren’t ________glasses.I can’t drink the water.      A. a      B. some      C.any (    )3.What __________Tom__________?He has some towels.      A. is,have      B. does,has      C. does,have (    )4.___________have many nice toy cars.      A. Mike’s sisters      B.Mike’s sister     C. Mike sister’s (    )5.Look,Miss Li and her students __________________.      A. is coming      B. are comeing      C. are coming (    )6.What are you doing?I’m ______________my bike.I can’t find it.      A. looking after      B. looking at      C. looking for (    )7.What __________you have?      A. are      B. do      C. does (    )8.The cakes on the table _______________you.      A. is for      B. are with      C. are for (    )9.Mum,please give _________a towel.      A. I      B. me      C. my (    )10.______________two blankets on the bed._____________is for me?    A. There is ,What     B. There are ,Which     C. They’re ,It


1._________________________? I can draw a horse.

2._________________________? Some bread and two eggs .

3._________________________? They have some fruit .

4._________________________? Here are some chairs for you .

5. What’s your grandfather doing ?   _________________________ .

6. What’s the matter with Liu Tao?   _________________________ .

7. Where’s his new house?        _________________________ .

8. Where are you going ?         _________________________ .

A. There aren’t any chairs .      B. We’re going to the reading room .

C.What’s for breakfast ?        D.  What do the children have ?

E. He can’t find his new pen.     F. Oh, It’s near the new building.

G. He’s walking in the park .     H. What can you draw ?

六. 根据上下文内容,选择所给词的正确形式填空 (5%)

1.         Are these your rulers ? No, they’re _____________ . ( Helen , Helen’s ) 2.         They would like _____________ (buy ,  to buy ) some school things . 3.         .I _____________ a pot . My brother _____________ a stove . ( has  ,have ) 4.         _____________ the boys _____________ (dance)? No, they can’t. 5.         ____________ (not  , don’t ) read now , listen to ___________ (I  ,  me ) , please . 6.         There _____________  (is  , are ) a book and two pencil-boxes on the desk. 7.         Look , the students _____________ (run ,  are running ) in the playground .

七、 将下列句子排成两人之间的对话。8%

(  ) Is she reading a magazine there?

(  ) Let’s go and join her together.

(  ) I’ll go and join her.

(  ) OK, let’s.

(  ) No, perhaps she is playing a computer game.

(  ) She’s in the study, I think.

(  ) I ’m looking for Nancy. Do you know where’s Nancy?

(  ).Excuse me, what are you doing?


1.A:I like singing. ________you ________singing?   B:No,I _______.I like ___________.      2.A: Are they ________cards?  B:________, ________  _______ .  A:What are they _______?  B:They are _______  ________ .

3.A:Do you have a sandwich? B: ________, I _________.  A:What ________is _________  _________?  B:It’s _________  __________ .

4.A:__________ I help you?  B:We ________two masks ,please.


Hello!I’m Liu Tao.I am a Chinese boy.Look at my school bag.I have two picture books in it.I like reading.This is my pencil-box.There are some beautiful flowers on it.Is it nice?     There are three pencils in my pencil-box.My friend is Helen. She is playing a yo-yo in the playground.Let’s go to the playground and join her,OK? 1.How many pencils are there in his pencil-box? ______________________________________________________ 2.Is there a dog or a cat in the picture? ______________________________________________________ 3.What does Liu Tao have in his bag? ______________________________________________________ 4.Who’s Liu Tao’s good friend? _______________________________________________________ 5.What is Helen doing? ________________________________________________________






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