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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了小学五年级英语期末试题,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!


1、We put the address on _____ right.


2、What is ____ envelope?

A. aB.anC ./

3、---What are you doing?---- Iam _____ a letter.

A.sendingB. writingC.Both A and B

4、live with ____ mother and father.

A.weB.usC. our

5、_____ you have a nice trip to Beijing?

A.DoB.AreC. Did

6.I want my mother sto buy a new bike ____ me.

A. toB.forC. by

7.I ____ chopsticks for my mother.

A.thoughtB. boughtC. caught

8.We can take a picture _______ Jenny’s camera.

A. inB. withC. use

9.This is a picture _____ Jenny.

A. forB. ofC. Both A and B

10. Orange is my favourite _______ .

A. fruitB. colourC. food

11. I often ____ to school.

A. am walkingB. walkedC. walk

12. I want to buy a gift ___ you .

A. forB. toC. beside

13.What _____ you do yesterday?

A. doB wasC. did

14. Danny fell down and ____ his tail.

A. breakB. brokeC. did

15. Can you ____ a kite.

A makeB. flyingC. made

16. Tian’anmen Square is _____,

A. famousB .wonderfulC. bothA andB

17. The shirt is ______ small for me.

A. tooB. toC. two

18. This picture is for ______ .

A. IB. myC. me

19. Jenny likes ____ shopping.

A. goingB. goesC . to go

20.What _____ I doing ?

A . isB. doC. am

21. We bought gifts _____ you .

A. toB. forC. with

22. Green is my favourite ______ .

A. fruitB. foodC. colour

23. This sweater is too small ____ me.

A. forB. toC. with

24. Let’s put the picture ____ my desk.

A. in the front ofB. aboveC. down

25. _____ are Jenny ‘s and Danny’s pictures.

A. ThisB. ThatC. Those

26. Let’s take a picture______ Jenny’s camera.

A. inB. withC . use

27. I often _____ to school .

A. workB. talkC. walk

28. Danny _____ an e-mail to his friend.

A. writeB. wroteC. write

29. I want to buy _____ postcards.

A. someB. anyC. much

30. A postcardhas a picture ____ it.

A. inB. ofC. on

31. We write on _____ on a postcard.

A. leftB. a leftC. the left

32. Now, I _____ the letter in the box.

A. putB. to putC. am putting

33. She ____ a stamp for his letter

A. needB. needsC. to need.

34. Webuy stamps ______ .

A. at the post officeB. in a bicycle shopC. in a restaurant

35. Where _____ the traffic lights?

A isB. areC. have

36. I am sending these postcards ____ Canada.

A. inB. onC. to

37. _____ she need a computer.

A. DoB. DoesC. Is

38. ______ is your address?

A. WhatB. WhereC. How

39. Danny wants ____ a postcard to his mother.

A. to sendB. sendingC. sends

40.We write the address on ____ right of the postcard.

A. /B. theC. a

41. --- What are you doing?----- I ____ postcards.

A. writeB. writesC. am writing

42. ------ _____ postcards do you need? ---- Six.

A. HowB. How manyC. How much

43. I’m sending this letter ___ Shijiazhuang.

A. inB. toC . at

44. We put the letter in ______ .

A. a postcardB. an envelopeC. a stamp

45.May I help you ___ it ?

A. to writeB. writeC. Both A. and B

46.Danny is writing postcards ____his mother.

A. toB. onC. in

47. Who ____ thirsty?

A. amB. isC. are

48 . What would you like _____?

A. drinkB. to drinkC. drinking

49. Danny is singing a song ____ my mother.

A. toB. forC. across

50.May I ____ some grapes?

A. to haveB. havingC. have

51.There _______ manypeople on the street.

A. isB. areC. have

52. _______ you feel tired?

A. AreB. DoC. Does

53.We see some people ____ happily on the street.

A. walkingB. to walkC. walks

54. That is ______ film.

A. aB. anC. /

55.There is a bandage _____ Tom’s nose.

A.forB. onC. Both Aand B

56.______ are women.

A. ThisB.ThatC. These

57.Iam _____ .I want to eat some bread.

A . hungryB.thirstyC.tired

58. Look! The children ______ .

A. cryB. criesC. are crying

59.The children are here . They are playing_______.

A.cameraB.filmC. cards

60.Many people like to go ______ a walk.

A. toB.atC. for

61. The buses go _______.

A. slowB.quickC. slowly

62.______ many people on the street.

A.HaveB. There areC.There is

63.May I ______ you take a picture?

A. to helpB. helpC. helping

64.We have English _____ 2:00______ the afternoon.

A.at,atB. in,inC. at,in

65.Who _____ tired?

A.amB. isC. are

66._______ everyone happy?

A. AmB.IsC. Are

67. There______ three boys in the classroom.

A. isB.areC. have

68. _____people are buying tickets.

A.ManyB. MuchC. How many

69. The train arrives ____ Beijing .

A inB. atC. to

70. May I talk _____ the boy.

A. toB. withC. Both A and B

71. The man ______ me is laughing.

A. behindB. is behindC. are behind



Hello,mynameisJimmy.I’maboy.I’meleven.IaminClassFiveGradeSix.Nowletmetellyousomethingabout myfamily.Therearethreepeopleinmyfamily.My father,mymotherandI.My fatherisaworkerandmymotherisaworkertoo.And theyarebothgoodworkers ,I am a good Student. My father and mother love me very much too. We have a new car. It’s green. I like it very much.

1. We have an old car.()

2 .I’m in Class Six ,Grade Five.()

3. There are three people in my family.()

4. My father and mother are both workers.()

5. I don’t like out car.()


Li Ming has two good friends from Canada. They are Rose and Mike .their country is very far from China.

They are in the same school, but they are not in the same class(班). Li Ming and Rose are in Class One . They live in the same buiding. It is a little far from their school. They ride their bicycles to school and ride home together every day.

()1. Where are Rose and Mike from?

A. The U.K.B. CanadaC. Australia

()2.LiMing and Mike are ____________.

A. in the same classB. not in the same schoolC. not in the same class

()3. They live _______________.

A. berry far from their schoolB. near their schoolC. in one building

()4. They go to school and come home ___________________.

A. by bicycleB. by busC. by car


Zhanglinis a boy.He’s twelve years old .His English is very good. Because his mother is an English teacher. His favorite clothes areyellow shirts. It’s very nice. He likes to play football with his friends. He always goes to school by bus. On Sundays we often play and study together. We are good friends.

1.What does Zhanglin’s mother do?

2.What colour are Zhanglin’s favorite clothes?


3.How does he always go to school?


4.How old is Zhanglin?


5.Is he my good friend?


6.What do we do on Sunday?






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