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四、Listen and fill

听录音,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词, 使句子意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范要求。(每空1分,共5分)

1. A: What are the students doing?           B: They are _________swimming.

2. A: When do you do morning            ?   B: At 9:00.

3. I like winter. Because I can make a ____________.

4. My birthday is in _____________. How about you?

5. My dad is_______________ the phone.

五、Listen and choose


1.      for the rain to paint a rainbow.            (  A. way     B. wait  )

2.A      without hair does not care what he wears.  (  A. bear     B. beer  )

3.         chips sell in cheap chip shops.         (  A. cheap    B. check )

4.You ate          with my group.              (  A. coup     B. soup )

5.Smart snails smile        slow smiles.         (  A. small     B. smell )

六、Listen and judge


(   ) 1. There are four people in Sarah’s family.

(   ) 2.Sarah likes winter. Because she can skate.

(   ) 3. Sarah’s brother likes fall best.

(   ) 4. Sarah’s mother likes planting trees.

(   ) 5. Sarah’s father likes swinging.


七、Read and fill


1. A:         do you have __________?  B: At 7:10 in the morning.

2. A: What do you        on the weekend?

B: I often play basketball. ________ I go hiking.

3. A: ______ do you like summer?  B: ___________ I can swim.

4. A: Teacher s’ Day is ____________ 10th.

5. The _________ day of the week is Sunday.

6. John and Mike _________ playing chess under a big tree.

7. The pandas can __________ trees.


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