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A. at; in          B. at; at         C. at; on

(      ) 9. -       is the dress ?

-It’s eighty yuan.

A. How much     B. How many        C.  What’s

(      )  10. The monkeys              in the tree.

A. are swinging      B. is swimming      C. are swimming

七.  Make up the sentences.连词成句。(每小题2分,共10分)

1. do,   why,   winter,   you,  like  (?)

2. the,  are,   climbing,    trees,  pandas  (.)

3. he,  up,   is,   leaves,   picking  the (?)

4. I,   speak ,  to,   can,  him,  please   (?)

5. cooking,  mom,   the,  dinner,   is,   in,   kitchen  (.)X k  B  1  . c o  m

八.  Fill  in  the  blacks  with  correct  forms  .用所给形式填空.( 每小题1分,共10分)

1.  His feet are            ( big ) than yours .

2.  We         (see) elephants in the zoo last week .

3.  The elephant is much           (strong ) than the dog .

4.  Amy often         (buy )  a card for her teacher on Teachers’ Day  .

5.  He can          (play) the guitar.

6.  –What are you doing, Tom? –I’m           ( read ) books .

7.  I will                (play) basketball with my friends tomorrow.

8.  We         (go) swimming tomorrow.

9.  They want           (eat) apples.

10.  –How much        (be) the bananas? -32 yuan.


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