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Man: Hello

John: Hello, can I speak to Chenjie,please?

Man: Sure ,Hold on , please. She’s doing homework,

Chen: Hello

John: Hi ,This is John.

Chen: Hi , John! What are you doing ?

John: My family is having a field trip.

Chen: Really? That’s fun.What is your father doing?

John: Guess!

Chen: Is he taking pictures?

John: Yes,he is .

Chen: Is your mother listening to music?

John: No ,she isn’t.She’s playing chess.

Chen: What is your brother doing?

John: He’s having a picnic.

Chen: Have fun.

John: Thank you.Talk to you later.

Chen: Bye .


(1)What is Chen Jie doing? ____________________________

(2) What’s John’s family doing? _____________________________

(3) Is John’s mother listening to the music? ____________________

(4)What’s John’s brother doning? _______________________

(5) Is Chen Jie at home? _______________________________________


一 听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组(每小题读两遍)

1 Why do you like summer ?

Because I can swim in the lake.

2 My birthday is in March.How about you?

My birthday is in June.

3 I usually eat lunch at school.

4 We have English class at 8:00 and have music class at 9:30

5 What’s the monther elephant doing?

She is drinking.

6 Can you swim?

No I can’t.I can plant trees.

7 What’s your favourite food? I like cakes best.

Me too.They taste sweet.

8 What do you do on the weekend?

I often watch TV.Sometimes I go hiking.

9 I get up at 6:00 and go to work at 7:40.

10 When is the National Day?

October 1st


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