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V. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(每题2分,共10分)

1.She has ________(do)homework first.

2.Nice mushrooms is bad for _____(we).

3.The ______(drive)come to work early.

4.You should _____(have)a rest.

5.What’s wrong with _______(he)

VI. 单项选择。(每题2分,共20分)

( )1.He points _____his neck.

A. on        B.at     C. in

( )2.He _________ the windows now.

A. cleans      B.cleaning   C.is cleaning

( )3.He is waiting for _____in the library.

A.me       B.I      C.my

( )4.How many ______can you see ?

A.bird       B.birds     C. some birds

( )5.He is _____some juice in the fridge, but he can’t _____ it.

A. looking for ; find       B. look for ; find       C. find ; look for

( )6.Is there ____apple juice in the fridge ?

A. some           B. any        C. a lot

( )7.You should ______some medicine and have a good rest.

A. took             B.are taking          C. take

( )8.I like eating meat _____potatoes.

A. in               B. on               C. with

( )9.I’m happy _____ see them.

A. to               B.or             C. in

( )10.Let’s ____ to the cinema.

A. go               B.going           C.are going


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