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A. What day is it today ?          B. Why do you like fall?

C. What’s the date ?             D.Which season do you like best ?

E. Why do you like summer ?      F. Is your birthday in fall ,too?

G. How many seasons are there in a year?)

A:                           ?         B:There are four seasons in a year.

A:                           ?         B:I like fall best.

A:              ?                      B: Because my birthday is in fall.__________________?

A: No, my birthday is in winter. It’s in January.  B:_________________________________?

A: It’s January 10th.


Miss Tailor is a primary school teacher. All the students like her very much.Today is November 1st. In the evening,Miss Tailor gets two letters. One is a birthday card. It’s from her student, Jack. It is a big surprise, because her birthday is the next month. The second letter is also from Jack. It says:”Dear Miss Tailor,I’m sorry for the birthday card.It is a mistake. Please don’t read the card until next month.

(  )1. Miss Tailor’s birthday is in ______.A. November  B. December

(   ) 2. The birthday card is for ________.   A. Miss Tailor  B. Jack

(   ) 3. Miss Tailor is a ____________.    A. student     B. teacher

(   ) 4. The two letters are from _________. A. Jack    B. Miss Tailor

(   ) 5. Miss Tailor gets the letters ______. A. in the morning B. in the evening

威廉希尔app 提供的小学五年级英语下册期末模拟考试卷 ,能够帮助大家学好学科这门课程,为今后的学习打好基础





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