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1. Amy is go to see a film at the weekend. ____________

2. How many chick are there? ____________

3. They is Easter hats. ____________

4. I am going to is eleven. ____________

5. Sometime the eggs are small. ____________


1. What are you ________(do)?

2. I am going to ________(be) eleven.

3. There ________(be) lots of flowers on the hat.

4. But before that, you are going to help _______(I) tidy up.

5. Let’s ______(go) to the supermarket.


A. an B. a lot of C. in D. on E. after.

1.There is ________ fruit, too.

2. Have _______ ice cream.

3. _______ lunch, we’re going to tell stories.

4.There are toy chicks _______ the hats.

5.Easter is _____ spring in the UK.


1. many They sell things different.


2. are to going We stories tell.


3. so You scary look.


4. now three children There are.


5. is the This house cat’s.



The city is very beautiful now. There weren’t any trees. Now there are many trees. And there is a supermarket now. We can go shopping there. There was a small park there before. Now it’s big. Many people like there.

( )1. There were many trees before.

( )2. There are two supermarket now.

( )3. There was a big park here before.

( )4. Many people like the park.

( )5. The city is very beautiful now.


There is a shop near our home. It isn’t a big shop. But it sells different thins. It sells food from lots of countries. It also sell clothes, fruit and cars. All of us like the shop. Dad, Mum and I are going to go shopping at the weekend. I’m going to buy ice creams, biscuits and apples in the shop, and they are going to buy milk, bread and eggs.

( )1. There is a shop near our ______.

A. school B. home

( )2. The shop is ________.

A. big B. small

( )3. We’re going to go to shop at the _______.

A. weekend B. night

( )4.I want to buy _______, biscuits and apples.

A. milk B. ice creams

( )5.They are going to buy milk, _______ and eggs.

A. bread B. flowers

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