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1.sixty pears  ______________________________

2.一些冰淇淋 ____________________________

3.jump high _____________________________

4.在卧室 ____________________________

5.我是获胜者 ___________________________

6.do morining exercises ___________________________

7.乘火车 ___________________________

8.在那边 __________________________

9.make a shopping list ___________________________

10.wait for me ____________________________


( )1.Can I have some__________?

A.bananas B.pear C.watermelon

( )2.We __________ food for our picnic.

A.needs B.need C.needing

( )3.Tom comes __________London.

A.at B.in C.from

( )4.The _________is very old and very long.

A.great wall B.Great wall C.Great Wall

( )5.There’s a TV show ________ dogs.

A.about B.of C.off

( )6.Let’s _______my skipping rope.

A.took B.take C.join

( )7.Lingling liked the bus ride _________.

A.better B.best C.nice

( )8.Is this ________T-shirt?

No,________T-shirt is on the chair.

A.your;my B.mine;your C.yours;mine

( )9.Do you _______ your friends in China?

A.miss B.missing C.meet

( )10.Can you run fast?

A.Yes,I do. B.No,I can’t. C.Yes,I can’t.


1.I_________ (watch) TV every day.

2.She ________(want) to wear it.

3._______(do) you come back yesterday?

4.The bell ______(ring) at eight o’clock.

5.I _______(win) a chess game last week.

6.She _______(run) really fast in the fast.

7.He is _______(hide) behind the sofa.

8.What do _______(child) do in the playground?

9.All of them are dancing _______(happy).

10.How much _______(cheese) did you buy?


Mary,Jim,Linda and Bill put their sweaters on the table.The sweaters are white,blue,red and black.We know the boys’ sweaters are not red and the girls’ sweaters are not black.What colour is Mary’s sweater?I don’t know.But I know her sweater is not blue or red.Bills says,”My sweater is not black.”Do you know what colours their sweaters are?

( )1.There are four sweaters on the table.

( )2.Bill’s sweater is red.

( )3.The girls’ sweaters are black.

( )4.Mary’s sweater is not blue or red.

( )5.Jim’s sweater is white.

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