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( )1. I ____ go on a trip.A. like B. love C.love to

( )2. This is______ ox.A. a B. an C./

( )3. Let’s go to Hainan ______ plane.A. take B. on C. by

( )4. What do you do ______the Spring Festival ?A. for B. to C. with

( )5. We arrive___Kunming___nine o’clock___the Tuesday morning.

A. in; on; at B. at; in; on C. in; at ; on

( )6. You are the year ____the monkey.A.of B. off C. for

( )7. The ___ animal is a rabbit?A. four B. forth C. fourth

( )8. I like____blue trousers.A.this B.that C.those

( )9. Here’s the order _____ the year.A. for B. of C. off

( )10. How can I_____ the first ? A.am B.be C.being

( )11. The Spring Festival is ___.A.come B.comes C.coming

( )12. May I____ them ? A.invite B.inviting C.invites

( )13. What is ______year ?A.you B.she C. his

( )14. What special _____do you have in China ?

A.holidays B.holidays’ C.holiday’s

( )15. They will have a big dinner ______ my family.

A.on B.with C.for

( )16. We need train tickets ______ Shanghai______Beijing.

A.for;to B.from;go C. from;to

( )17. I will go to Beijing ___ March 15.A.on B.in C.at

( )18. They are ______ to make a plan.A.go B.to C.going

( )19. They are your ______.A.parent B.parents C.a parent

( )20. Are there ______ interesting places ?A.some B.an C.any


far at with for on from travel to of How

1._____can we get there ? 2.Tom will_____ in August.

3.They will go to Shandong___16:00. 4.Beijing is_____from our city.

5.We will go to Hebei_____ February 14. 6.May I speak ______ her ?

7.Do you want to go to the cinema ____me ? 8.He is the year____ the horse.

9.What do we need_____ the trip ? 10.Canada is far______China.


The story of the Dragon Boat Festival is about a Chinese poet(诗人).He failed to help his country and drowned himself in the river.People looked for his body.They made zongzi for the fish so the fish couldn’t eat the poet.Now people usually make and eat zongzi.They also wear sachets(香袋)for good luck.People watch the dragon boat races.A person on the team plays the drum(敲鼓)and the other people row the beautiful boat.People cheer for their favourite team.

( )1. The story of the Dragon Boat Festival is about ______.

A.dragons B.sachets C.a Chinese poet( )2. How did the poet kill himself ?

A.He was eaten by fish. B.He was hit by a dragon boat.

C.He drowned himself in the river.

( )3. What do people wear for good luck on the Dragon Boat Festival ?

A.Sachets B.Fish C.Boat

( )4. Why did the poet drown himself in the river ?

A.He wanted to eat fish,but there were no fish to eat.

B.He felt bad because he failed to help his country.

C.His team didn’t win the dragon boat race.

( )5. People________ their favourite team.

A.drum B.row C.cheer for





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