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1、at , 9 o’clock ,went, we ,the ,into, classroom . 2、dose , time , what, start , school , ? 3、dog, a , please ,can , have , we ? 4、is, here, dinner, your 5、them , their , helps ,father


Where did lingling go? What do you do in the playground? Would you like to come to school with me? How do you fgo to school?

 六、阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F) . .

 I ride my bike. Yes ,please. Do exercises. Sam and Amy’s school

On Saturday afternoon, Sam and his sister ,Amy are watching TV. There’s a programme about animals .Amy said :“Look! The little cat can catch the mouse by itself.And its mother can climb the wall.”Sam said :“Look! The dog can help the blind man to walk .How fantastic they are!”

) 1、A. sun ) 2、A. mouth ) 3、A. shoe ) 4、A. zoo ) 5、A. hand

B. nose B. this B. fish B. is B. head

C. rice C. that C. ship C. nice C. house

D.face D.mother ( D.treasure ( D.his ( D.hour ( ( )4、The dog can help the blind man. )5、Dogs and cats are very fantastic. )3、The little cat can climb the wall by itself. )2、There’s a programme about dogs. )1、On Saturday afternoon,only sam is watching tv.





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