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doing, at, having, am,What, listening, going, watching, playing, evening

It is Saturday ___________. Nancy and her family are ________ home. The telephone is ringing.

Nancy: Hello!

Tom: Hello, Nancy! This is Tom.What are you doing?

Nancy: I _____ making a model plane. My dad is _________ TV and my mother is ________to music.

Tom: ________ is your brother ____________?

Nancy: He is __________ the guitar. What are you doing, Tom?

Tom: I am __________ my supper. After supper I am _________to the supermarket.

Nancy: How happy you are!


1.----海伦在书房看画册吗? ----是的。

----Is Helen _____________ a picture book in the study? ----Yes, she is.

2.----你在干什么? ----我在帮助王兵学英语。

----_________ are you doing?

----I’m ___________ Wang Bing _________ his English.


________ are over. Some students are _________the library. I will go and _______ ________.

4.----你们正往哪儿去? ----我们正去车站

----____________ are you ____________?

----___________ going to the station.

5.----他们在打牌吗? ----不,他们在玩木偶。

----________ __________ playing cards?

----No, they’re ____________ ___________ puppets.



John is a student. He has a sister, Linda. They are in the same school, and they go to school together. It is three forty now. Classes are over. Linda is in the school library. She is reading a storybook. Her classmate Mary is in the library, too. She is reading a picture book. Joe is not in the library with his sister. He is in the classroom. He is playing cards with Tom and Bill. Linda and Joe go home by bus at four thirty every day. They always go home together.


( )1. __________ has a brother.

A. Joe B. Linda C. Mary

( )2. ________ is in the library now.

A. Tom B. Joe C. Mary

( )3. Joe is _____________________.

A. reading a strotybook B. reading a picture book C. playing cards

( )4. __________ are in the classroom.

A. Tom and Bill B. Joe and Linda C. Linda and Mary

( )5. Joe and Linda always _______ together.

A. plays cards B. go home C. read story books


It is three o’clock in the afternoon now. Classes are over.Some students are drawing pictures and some students are reading magazines. Some students are flying model planes in the playground. My friends are playing in the classroom. Mike and Yang Ling are playing chess. They can play very well.Nancy is playing cards with Gao Shan and Liu Tao. Su Yang and Helen are not in the classsroom. They are in the library. Perhaps they are cleaning the library.

对的在括号内写 “√”, 错的在括号内写 “×”。

( )1. Some students are flying kites in the playground.

( )2. Mike is playing chess with Yang Ling.

( )3. Gao Shan and Liu Tao are playing cards.

( )4. Su Yang and Nancy are cleaning the library.

( )5. Helen is in the classroom.


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