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Dear Robin,

I like  _____________, it’s _____________. I don’t like  _____________, it’s too  ___________.  _______________ are my favourite food. They’re  ___________. My brother likes  ___________, but they are a little  ___________. He don’t like fish. We all like vegetables, they are  ___________.

Thank you!

Writing Part(笔试部分)

四.Read and tick.读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的一个。

(    ) 1. A. cow             B. snow              C. down

(    ) 2. A. how             B. flower             C. window

(    ) 3. A. now             B. snowy             C. slow

(    ) 4. A. wow             B. tomorrow          C. yellow

(    ) 5. A. head             B. read               C. tea

五、Read and write(写出下列名词的复数形式)

apple-- __________   cat-- _________      potato-- _________

dog-- __________    box-- __________     class-- __________

tomato--__________  egg--__________      grape--__________

cake-- __________        peach--__________

六、Look, read and write (根据图片的提示,结合上下文写单词补充句子)

1. Father: What would you like to eat?

Sarah: I’d like a ____________  , a ____________  ,

an____________  and some____________ .

2. Father: What would you like to drink?

Sarah: I’d like some ____________ , some ____________

and some____________ , please.

3. I like ice-cream and cakes, they’re ____________.

4. I like fish. It’s ____________.

5. I don’t like red peppers(红辣椒), they’re too ____________.

七、Look, read and write(看图,选择恰当的单词补充句子)

window     snowy    cow    flower

1. I see a yellow ____________.

2. There is a ____________ at the farm.

3. Look, the picture is near the ____________.

4. It’s ____________ outside. It’s very cold.

八、Read and tick (读一读,勾出正确的答案)

1. -- What would you like to eat?   -- What would you like to drink?

-- I’d like some salad, please.

2. --What would you like to drink?

--Sandwich, please.            --Some water.

3. I’d like some bread,

I’m happy!                     I’m hungry!

4.   --I’d like some tea.               --Time for lunch

--I’m thirsty!

5. --What would you like to eat?               --______________

. I’d like sandwiches.     I have sandwiches.

6. I’d like some water. I’m______________.

thirsty                  happy

7. I love beef noodles.______________ delicious.

It’s               They’re           I am

九.        Read and choose.选择填空。

(    ) 1. --What’s your _______ food?       --Salad. It’s delicious.

A. like            B. love            C. favourite

(    ) 2. That sandwich ________ delicious.

A. am             B. is              C. are

(    ) 3. What would you like _________ eat?

A. to              B. for              C. in

(    ) 4. --What would you like to __________?      --I’d like some water.

A. eat             B. have              C. drink

(    ) 5. I like __________. They’re delicious.

A. noodles          B. carrot             C. sandwich

Read and finish(读短文,完成文后练习)

(一) Read and tick(读一读,勾出恰当的答案)

1. John thinks the sandwich is ____________.

healthy and delicious           healthy and fresh


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