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本文是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的外研版五年级上学期第二单元英语试卷的文章,希望大家能够喜欢!

一.Read and choose. 读句子,选择正确的选项.

(    ) 1. ________ is the second day of the week.

A. Sunday     B. Monday      C. Tuesday       D. Wednesday

(    ) 2. --What do you have on Mondays?

-- I ______ Chinese and English on Mondays.

A. have       B. am          C. has           D. is

(    ) 3. We have computer and music _______ Fridays.

A. at         B. on        C. for           D. by

(    ) 4. _________. Where is our science teacher?

A. Sorry      B. Hello       C. Excuse me       D. Hi

(    ) 5. We often ________ TV on Saturday evening.

A. look        B. watch         C. see         D. say

(    ) 6. It’s time ________ do homework.

A. at          B. for           C. to          D. on

(    ) 7. What does your mother do ____ weekends?

A. about        B. on         C. at          D. to

(    ) 8. I can play football ________ my father.

A. and         B. to         C. for            D. with

二. Read and choose.(情境交际)

(    ) 1. 询问今天是星期几,应该说:______________

A. What day is it today?               B. What day it is today?

(    ) 2. 询问周二的课程安排时,应该说:_____________

A. What do you do on Tuesday?       B. What do you have on Tuesday?

(    ) 3. 介绍完自己后,想了解一下对方,应该说:_____________

A. What about you?                 B. How are you?

(    ) 4. 询问明天是星期几时,应该说:________________

A. What’s tomorrow?               B. What day is tomorrow?

(    ) 5. 告诉别人自己周六踢足球时,应该说:_______________

A. I play football on Sundays.

B. I play football on Saturdays.

三. Read and match.读句子,连线配对.

What do you do on Sundays?                  It is Monday.

What day is it today?                        I often play football.

Who is your best friend?                     There are seven.

Where are you from?                        Wang Dong.

How many days are there in a week?            I am from Shandong.

四. 连词成句

1.have  what  do  on  you  Saturday(?)


2.I  wash  often  clothes  Sundays  on  my (.)


3.   day  what  today  it  is(?)


4.   Sunday  homework  often  I   on  my  do(.)


5. on    weekends     do    often   read books     you    the




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