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这篇关于2014年五年级英语上册第一单元试卷,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!

I. Listen, choose A or B. (听音,选A或B,将答案序号填入题前括号内。8分)

(   ) 1. A. sheep   B. sleep    (   ) 2. A. housework  B. homework

(   ) 3. A. coat    B. goat      (   ) 4. A. think      B. thank

(   ) 5. A. closet  B. clothes  (   ) 6. A. sweet pears  B. sour grapes

(   ) 7. A. an old lady  B. a lovely day

(   ) 8. A. What does he like?   B. What is he like?

II. Listen, tick or cross. (听音,判断图意,用“√”或“х”表示。8分)

III. Listen and finish the sentences. (听音,完成句子所缺的单词。11分)

1.I like_________. They are so ________.

2. My English teacher is funny and __________. We all like her.

3. —Are there any _______ and _______ in your city?   —Yes.

4. Wow, the water is _________ and the air is very __________.

5. — ________ would you like ________ breakfast?  —Bread.

6. — ________ you cook?  —No, I ________.

IV. Listen and write the new words. (听音,写出新单词。4分)

1.ball  small  _______         2. tea  meat _______

3. cake  make  _______         4. girl  skirt  _______

5. yellow  grow _______         6. town  brown ________

7. where  why________          8. purple  Thursday ________

V. Listen to dialogues and answer questions. (听对话,回答问题。9分)


(   ) 1. I can _______.

A. cook the meals  B. set the table  C. set the table and cook the meals


(   ) 2. My favourite day is ________.

A. Sunday  B. Saturday  C. I often watch TV.


(   ) 3. —Where is the picture?  —It’s ________.

A. on the desk  B. under the desk  C. on the chair


(   ) 4. —What does Li Hai have on Friday?  —He has ________.

A.     English, Chinese and math.

B.     English, Chinese and Moral Education

C. English, Social Study and Moral Education


(   ) 5. Sarah’s English teacher is ________.

A.     old  B. a man  C. a lady

(   ) 6. John’s English teacher is ________.

A. old and strict  B. tall and thin  C. young and funny

Written Part (笔试部分60分)


1.      What’s your brother l_________ ? He’s tall and strong.

2.      Sunday is the first day of a week.M__________  is the second day.

3.      I like apple best. Apple is my favourite f__________.

4.      It’s 12:00 now. Let’s have l_________  together.

5.      The trash bin is full. Please go and empty the  ___________.

6.      These grapes are too s__________. Please give me some sweet grapes.

7.      Are the sneakers cheap? Yes, t_______  a_______.

8.      The orange is tasty. B____  a little sour.

9.      Your hands are very dirty(脏的). Please go and w_____ them.

II. 看图,根据图意,把句子补充完整。(一空一词)(15分)

1.      What do you have _____  __________? We have P.E. and art.

2.      _______   _______  is today? _______ Wednesday.

3.      Can Sarah __________ the ___________? Yes, ______ can.

4.      Look!__________  ____   ___  air-conditioner over the chair.

5.      There  _______  many small _____________ in the village.

6.      She’s our principal. She’s ______  and ______. (老的,和蔼的)



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