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这篇关于小学生五年级上学期英语第一单元测试题,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!


I'm Sarah. I have three teachers, a science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher. My science teacher is Mr Liu. He's tall and thin. My art teacher is Miss Zhao. She's pretty and young. My English teacher is Miss Sun. she's an old woman. She's kind.

( )1. I have two new teachers.

( )2. My art teacher is an old woman.

( )3. My English teacher is Miss Sun.

( )4. My science teacher is tall and thin.

( )5. Miss Sun is strict.

二. 填入所缺字母,完成单词并写出中文。(10分)

1. sm__ rt ( ) 2. s tr__ct ( ) 3. act _ ve ( )

4. st__dent ( ) 5. pr__ncipal( )

三. 把问题和答语对应起来。(10分)

1.( ) Who's that man? A、 He's from China.

2.( ) What's he like? B、He's my teacher.

3.( ) Where's he from? C、No, she is old.

4.( ) Is Miss Wang young? D、 He's short and thin.

5.( ) Is Mr Wang young? E、 No, he is old.


( )1.This is ___ university student.. ( )2._____funny? Yes, she is.

A an B a C 不填 A Is he B Who's C Is she



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