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C. It lasts for over 4 months.

(    )3. A. Watching TV.      B. Going outside.     C. Doing her homework.

(    )4. A. Maths.       B. Chinese.     C. English.

(    )5. A. Always.      B. Sometimes.       C. Never.


(    )1. There aren’t four seasons here.

(    )2. I love spring because I can plant flowers.

(    )3. In summer, I go swimming every day.

(    )4. I like taking photos in winter.

(    )5. It’s not cold here.


六、 仿照例子把代表单词的字母按类别写在答题卡相应的表格里。(8分)

A. stomachache   B. crocodile   C. cloudy    D. sandwich    E. leopard

F. shark          G. foggy     H. hamburger  I. headache    J. deer

K. sunny   L. sore throat  M. eagle     N. snowy  O. turtle   P. noodles

1. 疾病___________________________________________________________

2. 食物___________________________________________________________

3. 动物___________________________________________________________

4. 天气___________________________________________________________



1.We can __________________ in winter.

2.The girl has a ___________________today.

3.Mr Green is a teacher. He teaches _______________.

4.The girl can run ____________than the boy .

5.We should help ____________________(互相).

6.Take the medicine ____________________________(一天三次).

7.I _____________(不得不)go to school now.

8. You’d better  ______________ (呆在家里)and have a good rest .

八、 选择最佳答案填空。(12分)

(     )53. Ben is always late for school. His teacher is worried ______ his study .

A. on        B. with        C. about


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