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三、听录音,根据所给情景找句子(听两遍) (每小题1分, 共6分)

1. A. Let‘s play football at the school. B. Shall we play football?

C. Where do we play football?

2. A. Is this bus for Baima Park? B. Is bus No.2 for Baima Park?

C. Is this No.2 bus?

3. A. There are some computers in our school.

B. There is a computer in our school.

C. There are many computers in our school.

4. A. I’ve got some nice pictures. B. Look at my nice pictures.

C. This is my nice picture.

5. A. Come here, please. B. Have some apple juice, please.

C. Come and drink some orange juice, please.

6. A. What would you like? B. How about you?

C. What do you like?

四、听短文,判断所给句子是否正确,用√或×表示 (听两遍) (每小题1分, 共6分)

1. This is Ben‘s classroom.

2. The classroom is big and bright.

3. There is a TV near the window.

4. There are twenty-nine students in Ben’s class.

5. There are some books and copybooks in the bookcase.

6. Miss Wang is a good teacher.


五、找答句,填序号 (每小题1分, 共10分)

1. Welcome to our school. A. Let‘s hurry.

2. We’re late for the party. B. Yes, sir.

3. How do we go there? C. Yes, it is.

4. Don‘t climb trees again. D. Thank you.

5. Something to drink? E. No, I can’t.

6. What can you see? F. Yes, she is.

7. Can you read it? G. A cup of tea, please.

8. What‘s for breakfast? H. Noodles and milk.


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