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一、 英汉互译

(两者)都 laugh( ) 短裙whose( ) 好地 true( )

分 team( ) 36 我的 mine( ) 他的

二、 根据课文,选词填空

1 Look! Amy‘s blue dress ___________(is/ are) wet. 2 Can you _______(run / ran ) fast?

3 Yesterday , Sam’s team ________(play/played) basketball in the park.

4 _______(Whose / Who) T-shirt is it?

5 最新的小学五年级英语下册期末试卷:The other team _______(get/ got) thirty-six points yesterday.

6 Can you play very well? Yes, I ________( do / can).

7 It‘s raining. Children are______ ( run / running) home. 8 It isn’t _______( your/ yours) at all.

三、 将下列句子译成汉语

1.Can you run fast ?_____________________________________________________

2.They got fifty points.__________________________________________________

3.Lingling‘s favourite skirt is dirty._________________________________________

4.What’s the matter?_____________________________________________________

5.But it isn‘t hers, It’s mine._______________________________________________

四、 按要求完成下列各题

1 your(形容词性物主代词)_____ 2 mine(名词性物主代词)_______3 her(形容词性物主代词)_________ 4 whose(译成汉语)_________ 5 he (形容词性物主代词)_______ 6 play(过去式)__________

7 win(过去式)___________ 8got(原形)___________ 9 17((译成汉语)____________

10 jump high (译成汉语)_______

五、 连词成句,注意标点符号及大小写

1run / can / you / fast ___________________________________________________________

2.play/ you / can /basketball/ well __________________________________________________

3.Sam‘s / played / team / in / basketball / park /the ______________________________________

4 team / their / won __________________________________________________

5.do / you / play / want / basketball / to __________________________________

6.Tom/ laughing / is _________________________________________________

7. blue / Amy’s / dress / wet / is ________________________________________

8.T-shirt / is /it / whose ________________________________________________

9 but/ your/ red / T-shirt / both / wet / are ___________________________________

10.it / hers/ isn‘t ______________________________________________________

六、 根据课文内容,选择

1.You _________ jump really high?

A did B do C can

2.Can you catch the ball? __________ very well.

A Not B No C Don’t

3.The _________ team got thirty-six points..

A one B another C other

4.Tom is ___________.

A laugh B laughing C laughed

5._____________________? Sam wants to wear my T-shirt..

A What‘s the matter? B What’s this? C Who ‘s Tom play with?

6.You can play basketball _____________, Lingling.

A well B good C very good

七、 拓展题,

1 ____________ + a cake =做蛋糕 2 play +____________= 吹笛子

3 _____________+a boat =划船 4 _________+the ball = 抓住球

5 _____________+ and dirty=又脏又湿 6 twenty +__________= 22





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